A View on the Argentine Crisis
Laura Maffei
Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación
de la República Argentina - CTERA -.
History of
a Process | Building
Ways Out
For the past few months, different
images of the Argentine crisis have been displayed on television,
printed in newspapers, and disseminated by information agencies
all over the world, showing the failure of a model pushed by the
international credit agencies, whose best and most diligent student
was Argentina.
The December 2001 images reflected
the social explosion, the brutal repression, the fall of a government
less than two years after it had been elected by more than 50%
of the voting population, and the total loss of credibility of
the political classes, the judicial system, the trade unions,
the political parties, etc.
It is important to clarify that
this crisis, which came about spontaneously as a result of the
Argentine society's exasperation and of the tremendous inability
of the ruling classes, is the culminating point of an extremely
violent process of social destructuration, draining, the consolidation
of large groups of local company leaders, and the destruction
of national identity. The process clearly began with the 1976
military coup d'état and grew deeper with the successive
elected governments, especially during the government of Carlos

History of a Process
In addition to the disappearance
and/or assassination of 30,000 citizens, mostly activists and
grassroots leaders, the tragic seven years of Military Dictatorship
(1976 - 1983) in our country produced an enormous external debt,
the beginning of the destruction of the national production system,
and the consolidation of economic power groups and local politicians.
It also left a society horrified by the violence and cruelty of
the Dictatorship, broken into fragments and disorganized, having
lost its ability to resist against the increasing debt, privatization,
and give-aways of the successive "democratic" governments.
In the nineties, Argentina was
extremely disciplined in its execution of International Monetary
Fund and World Bank procedures and in its alignment with the United
States. Privatization of all services, opening up of markets,
imposed parity between the U.S. dollar and the peso, growing indebtedness:
such were the results of the meticulous and swift application
of these international agencies' instructions. At the same time,
there was growing concentration of wealth, loss of jobs, general
impoverishment of the population, deterioration of the social-welfare,
health, and public-education systems, etc.
During the first years of "Menemism,"
these indicators of social deterioration were ignored by the social
sectors that were favored by these policies, were silenced by
the media, and went unnoticed by large sectors of the population,
mainly the middle classes, which in the U.S. dollar-peso parity
saw stability and the possibility of obtaining credit. Meanwhile,
the whole scaffolding was maintained with the cash ensuing from
the privatization of all the public enterprises and from the international
credit agencies' loans and "special aid" plans.
Clearly, for this to have been
possible, there had to be an irresponsible and corruptible ruling
class. This is precisely this factor that the international organizations,
the economic power groups, and the media have designated as the
source of all the problems, as if corruption at the leadership
level were the only cause and as if its elimination alone were
the solution to the terrible crisis we are enduring.
These are the conditions in which
the impoverished and marginal social classes looted several stores
in mid-December. Simultaneously and with no premeditation, when
the De La Rúa government declared a state of siege and
went about repressing the population, the people mobilized spontaneously,
for the most part from the middle class, which had been heavily
affected by the latest economic decisions. Challenging the restrictions
to the right of assembly they took to the streets, (hundred of
thousands of them) banging pots and pans to demand the authorities'
resignation, and the end of repression and corruption. For the
first time in several decades, the middle classes and sectors
that had thus far survived the growing social deterioration, albeit
with penury, felt that the situation had definitely become uncontrollable
and took to the streets demanding deep changes.
This is how today we have a President
elected by the National Parliament, who has no credibility and
is lacking the consent of the people, and who is, consequently,
extremely weak. A Government and a Parliament, which, ignoring
the people's claims, insist upon signing agreements with the IMF,
which not only is imposing larger cuts in the budget but is also
pressuring to sanction or repeal our national Laws.
The situation in the country today
has tragic dimensions: the currency has devaluated by 400%, inflation
is greater than 40%, 58% of the population is living under the
poverty line, 12% of the children are suffering from malnutrition,
and 28% of the population is unemployed.
In this context, social organizations
and movements, in the midst of these immense difficulties, have
remained in the streets voicing their demands, denouncing the
situation, and trying to organize.

Building Ways Out
In the CTERA (Confederation of
Education Workers of the Republic of Argentina), we believe that
building alternatives to this model necessarily involves uniting
the lower classes, which historically have been the losers in
this process, on the basis of social consent and democracy.
For this reason, we have been
strong instigators and founders of alternative organizations such
as the CTA (Central de Trabajadores Argentinos -- Argentine Workers
Organization) which, based on autonomy, democracy, participation,
and the organization of sectors traditionally considered to be
outside of the scope of trade unions (the disabled, women, the
jobless, precarious workers, abandoned children, informal workers,
etc.) has been growing for ten years with innovative strategies
for the defense of the genuine interests of the lower-class majority.
They have included pressing for a participatory budget, big national
marches for work or childhood, and, in May 2001, forming FRENAPO
(Frente Nacional Contra la Pobreza -- National Front Against Poverty),
which comprises more than one hundred entities, NGOs, organizations,
leaders, political parties, and churches. FRENAPO has as its common
objective the search for political, social, and economic alternatives
that are able to reverse poverty. Among these, it pressed for
social wages, a proposal submitted to consultation by the people
in the days just before the fall of the De La Rúa government,
and which was approved by more than 3 million citizens.
In this same spirit, in the international
arena, we have a policy of alliances and articulation with unions
and social organizations all over the world, we are part of a
number of international teachers' unions (IE - Internacional de
la Educación - and CEA - Confederation de Educadores Americanos),
and we participate in different networks, among which the Alliance
for a Responsible, Plural and United World. We are also part,
along with other American organizations, of the Alianza Social
Continental and of the Campaña en contra del ALCA (Campaign
against the ACLA -- Acuerdo de Libre Comercio para las Américas
-- Free Trade Agreement for the Americas), an agreement that is
being strongly pushed by the United States.
From the Argentine Committee of
the World Social Forum, of which we are part, and with the support
of the World Social Forum and the organizations that are part
of its International Committee, we are also working on the organization
of an "emergency" Argentine Social Forum, which we wish
to be a broad and democratic Assembly of Argentine Citizens willing
to build a responsible society in solidarity.
We understand that the present
situation in Argentina is a clear demonstration of the destruction
produced by the neoliberal policies impelled by the most powerful
countries and the international organizations that attend to their
interests. We see this Argentine Social Forum as a place to reflect
on the nature of this process and make it deeper, to build both
alternatives and forms of resistance, and to weave new and firmer
relationships with our brothers and sisters in other countries.
The "explosion" in Argentina
demonstrates beyond any doubt that history goes on. We need to
recover our main role in generating the plural and democratic
alternatives that are able to stand up to the dominant ideology
and will allow us to build responsible societies in solidarity
and respect for life, in which the objective is no longer the
limitless enrichment of the few but the fulfillment of the material
and spiritual needs of all.