Before summer 2002, the team of Nova, Barcelona
Centre for Social Innova-tion, presented the Call for FPH Initiatives
with the proposal to undertake a collective process of reading and
cross-evaluation of the “Proposal Papers” and the “Breakthroughs”
published in 2001 in order to consensually produce a synthesis.
The knowledge and evaluation of the proposals undertaken to date
by the Allies would be fundamental for the new stage and for introduc-ing
it to other alliances and forums such as the Social Forums –World
and European– or that of Barcelona 2004.
To provide around 3,000 Allies with the reading
and evaluation of some 60 texts, with more than 1,000 proposals
on the most varied issues, in 5 lan-guages and at a low cost, a
fairly unusual system of forums via Internet was necessary. We suggested
testing the “Delibera®” system so that the Allies
could participate in this process through their evaluations, comments
and contributions.
In October 2002, we started the weekly publication
of a Proposal Text, pre-sented in the format of a “Delibera
Questionnaire” available on the website or by e-mail and in
5 languages.
The project sought to evaluate the proposals of
almost 60 texts published on the website of the Alliance (“Papers”
and “Breakthroughs”) in order to move towards a synthesis
based on these evaluations. After 9 months and 35 texts submitted
for evaluation, the FPH asked us to stop in order to under-take
an evaluation of the forum and a provisional synthesis with the
evalua-tions of the texts published between October 2002 and July
The 22 texts that remain to be evaluated, and which
we hope we can proc-ess in the near future, are the following:
4 Papers of the Humanity and Biosphere Pole
Energy – Time and Sustainable Development – Soil Reform
– Forests.
9 Papers of the Governance and Citizenship
Social Leaders in the 21st Century: Challenges and Proposals –
The Military – Arms Industry Conversion – Local Authorities
– Fisherfolk – Farmers – Governance: Common Principles
– Rights and Governance – Urban Violence.
4 Papers of the Socio-Economy of Solidarity
International Trade – Trade Union Movement – Health
– Tourism.
5 Papers of the Values, Culture, Art, Education
and Society Pole
New Information and Communication Technologies – Humanity
– Women – Inter-religious – Media/Journalists.
There also remained 2 “Breakthroughs”
without Paper:
On Business Leaders and Executives about the Practice of Company
Respon-sibilities – On Responsible Shareholders
Next we present the provisional record with the
data on participation and the publication of texts.
It has been a pleasure to participate in this methodological
adventure to promote and facilitate the evaluation of the Alliance
proposals and especially if the results enable its members in this
new stage and enrich other fields such as the Social Forums.
We are convinced that one of the factors for the
non participation of many of the “historical” Allies,
heads of workshops, writers of “Papers” and members
of the FPH, among others, has been the lack of motivation due both
to the sabbatical year of the FPH and the lack of perspectives of
the Alliance. A participatory process of these characteristics,
with such complexity, richness and innovation –both in contents
and in methodology– needs important in-centives for it to
be appropriate to those potentially interested. An incentive could
have been for the results to have been presented in a determined
area (e.g., the World Social Forum) and for those who had the greatest
and best participation to have had the opportunity to meet in order
to perfect and present a final synthesis.
Another challenge arising from this forum –and
which could be another in-centive for participation– is that
of the collective production of alternative world models to globalisation.
For the first time, a reflection process has been introduced into
the Alliance on the possible and necessary articulation of proposals
which until now were only thematic or sectorial.
As we have announced, before continuing with the
process of evaluation and synthesis, the FPH considers it necessary
to evaluate the process undertaken until now. We need to know your
opinion about the evaluation and synthesis process of the proposals
through the “Delibera” system. To this end, we have
created a new multilingual forum
with 3 questionnaires in which you can state your view on this first
evalua-tion stage. Please express your opinion before 20th October
Thank you for your participation.
Team for the promotion of the Forum:
Nova, Centre for Social Innovation
Barcelona, October 2003
