During 9 months we have published the 35 texts
in 5 languages -Spanish, Catalan, French, English and Portuguese-
and at a rate of around one per week in “Delibera Questionnaires”
of the corresponding “Proposal Papers” and “Breakthroughs”
of the Alliance. Each week we have sent an e-mail to the 5 lists,
according to language, announcing the release of a new text and
enclosing the corresponding evaluation questionnaire and the “Desirable
News” with those proposals that had their “News”
Some texts have been released based on the “Breakthroughs”
and some others on the summaries of the “Proposal Papers”
that appear on the Alliance’s website : http://www.alliance21.org/en/proposals/.
We have processed a total of 521 pages of original texts, collected
into 517 articles. The publication work has consisted of the reading
of the texts, selection of the “Breakthroughs” or the
“Papers” for the writing of the questionnaires, writing
of the introductions and translations of all the texts into Catalan
and the other languages in which they had not been translated in
order to put the content of the original in a format suitable to
be evaluated with the “Delibera” icon system :
I agree |
I half agree |
I don't agree |
I don't know/understand |
In all cases we have respected the text written
by the author (although sometimes the translation was not very intelligible),
almost without modifying the original writing. Only in the cases
when the summary was too long have we abridged it, trying to summarise
the most significant ideas. In two cases, we have united more than
one proposal in a single questionnaire, given that their contents
complemented each other and allowed a joint evaluation; these are
text 01, which brings together the “Breakthroughs” of
the Scientists Network and the Workshop on Scientific Production,
and number 20, which brings together three “Papers”:
Food Security and Sovereignty, Sustainable Agriculture and WTO and
In each questionnaire we have provided information
on the origin of the text and the original languages in which it
was written and we have included the link to the original text of
the Alliance’s website in order to facilitate access to the
complete proposal and the “Desirable News” if this exists.
