There's a fair distance to cover to get from a coalition of anti-globalisations
to an alliance for another globalisation. The starting point for the creation
of such an alliance is the diversity of global society - a geographical,
social and cultural diversity - and the examination of points of view
and proposals coming from all horizons so as to elaborate an agenda, i.e.,
the identification of the common challenges we must address.
This is the itinerary followed by the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural
and United world, resulting in the creation of sixty proposal booklets
and the organisation of the World Citizens Assembly. These actions have
led to the emergence of a clear and ambitious agenda. It contains three
axes: the elaboration of a common ethical base and the reform of thought
systems; systems of production and the organisation of social and economic
life; governance from the local to the global levels.
- There's a fair distance to cover to get from a coalition of
anti-globalisations to an alliance for another globalisation
- The Outline Of An Agenda For The Twenty-First Century
One of the objectives of the World Citizens
Assembly was to draw up an "Agenda for the Twenty-first Century,"
that is, to identify some perspectives that were common to all
the participants The Assembly began with "Socioprofessional"
Workshops made up of participants belonging to a same social or
professional sphere. Every workshop expressed its own agenda,
presented in the form of a "socioprofessional mapping"
of the proposals. The similarity of the different mappings made
it possible to identify seventeen common themes. Each of them
was the subject of a Thematic Workshop. The exploitation of this
materials and their comparison with the other work of the Alliance
for a Responsible, Plural and United World has made it possible
today to determine a common agenda, to identify a set of major,
interdependent changes that should be undertaken in the twenty-first
century. They give shape to the way in which our major means of
production and of obtaining knowledge should be oriented. The
elaboration of a common ethical core, the establishment of new
forms of governance from the local to the global level, and the
emergence of a global community through the progressive organization
of the civil society are the major elements of this Agenda.