Sources and
Description of this Document
The ideas included in this document on the future
of the Alliance were drawn up and re-edited, under his own responsibility,
by Martí Olivella, from two participatory processes: a) the EIFE
e-forum and the evaluations made in the course of 2002 on the online
"delibera" evaluation procedure, and b) the proposals presented
during the 2003 WSF and comments on them from the EIFE e-forum.
In March 2002, we opened an e-debate on the past
and future of the Alliance with the persons subscribed to the EIFE
The contributions were re-organized into ten separate documents,
which were assessed over a period of several months through the
"delibera" online evaluation at
On the occasion of the Third World Social Forum,
a number of Allies met in Porto Alegre and drafted a few proposals
for the future of the Alliance. We sent these proposals to the EIFE
e-forum and received several comments.
This document is intended as a contribution, resulting
from a long collective process, to the orientation and organization
of this new stage of the Alliance.
The proposals and projects considered should be
used to clarify the role of the Allies in this new period, and,
more specifically, they are to be presented to different networks
and foundations to request collaboration and financing.
This documents comprises three parts:
Part One: Evaluation and Vision of the Future
Part Two: Proposals and Projects
Part Three: Report on the Participatory Process Used for the Evaluation
and Future of the Alliance (EIFE e-forum, "delibera", info-alliance,
Porto Alegre Meeting)
