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Kashf foundation

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Inspired by the success of the Grameen Bank, Kashf (meaning miracle or revelation i.e. a process of self-discovery) began in 1996 as an action research programme focusing, for the first two years, on understanding the key aspects of providing microfinance to poor women. By early 2001 Kashf had a network of five branches in Lahore and a client base of 5,088 customers located in 214 centres. PPAF, DFID and the Agha Khan Foundation provide core funding.


Ses écrits sur ce site ...

rien Documents - mars 2006
> Groupes de travail > Réseaux socioprofessionnels > Professionnels de la santé et du social

rien Documents - mars 2006
> Groupes de travail > Groupes thématiques > Yin-Yang (relation masculin-féminin)

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