Membership and Support Form
Mr. Ms./Mrs./Miss Association or Organisation
Family or organisation name (Capital letters): ___________________________
First name: _______________________________ Date of birth: ____/____/____
Profession or field of work:______________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________________ City/Town: ________________________
Country: _____________________________ E-mail: __________________________
Telephone: ___________________________ Fax: _____________________________
* I would like to join the Caravan association and am hereby sending my
payment for 2000/2001
30 US$ (for people from "developing" end "emerging" countries,
students, unemployed people)
60 US$ (for working or retired people from industrialised countries)
* I would like to contribute to the publication of Caravan in 2000/2001 by
15 US$ 30 US$ 45 US$ Other: _____US$
Payment made by:
bank or postal cheque, in French Francs or Euros, made payable to
"Association Caravane". (for France only)
direct payment to the association's account: CCP, 45900 La Source,
France: N° 20041 / 01012 / 4542629F033 / 64
credit card (number): ____________________________________
Holder's name: _________________________________________________________
Expiry date: _______________ Signature: _______________________________