Sus respuestas >
sobre la agenda
sobre la agenda
respuesta de John STEWART, Allie. Zimbabwe
, 14 de septiembre de 2005
| lea todas las respuestas de John STEWART
While it is important to have calendar blocks in terms of years, it would be good to look at individual sector calendars, which relate to global institutions cycles eg the UN Millenium plus 5 September 05 meeting (no longer a possible objective for planned action)
Likewise, the Alliance own history process perhaps needs to be more clearly located within the larger historical contexts. For example, the last four years (2001 to 2005) have seen the strengthening of the exclusive alliance of the security agencies of the ’developed north’ to (by the use of information technology) develop paranoid fortresses which are suffocating their own citizens, in the effort to ’shut out’ terrorism......
Las respuestas a la misma pregunta
Philippe VAILLANT, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Cécile SABOURIN, Alliée. Canada
| (fr|majuscules)]|
E. timothée BADOU, Allie. BENIN
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Bertrand HERIARD DUBREUIL, Allié, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Carol BROUILLET, Ally, United States of America
| (en|majuscules)]|
Eugene ZAPATA GARESCHE, Allie. Mexico
| (en|majuscules)]|
Maria da gloria FIGUEREIDO SAUZA, Non allie. Brasil
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Benjamin QUINONES, Ally, Philippines
| (en|majuscules)]|
Maurice Aristide ATHINDEHOU, Allié, Benin
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Jules Dumas NGUEBOU, Allié. Cameroun
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Delphine BILOWA BIDIKU, Côte d’Ivoire
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Pankaj VOHRA, India
| (en|majuscules)]|
Pierre KARLI, Allié. France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Oriol ALSINA, Aliado. España
| (en|majuscules)]|
Mujtaba KUSHERKI, Allie. Nigeria
| (en|majuscules)]|
Anonyme 4
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Kodjo Joachim MESSAN, Allié, Togo
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Augustin SINGBO, Allié, Benin
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Jean-Marie LANG, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Elisabeth GRIMBERG, Aliada, Brasil
| (es|majuscules)]|
Todas las respuestas a la misma pregunta