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sobre sus intenciones de participación
sobre sus intenciones de participación
respuesta de Dolly anek ODWONG, Non allie. Kenya
, 26 de septiembre de 2005
| lea todas las respuestas de Dolly anek ODWONG
Yes, my organization WomenAction for Development (WAD) and myself personally would consider strongly taking part in the Alliance as one of the Delegate. Personally the Alliance is very interesting for me as it is for a united world.
Interested in being part of: the followup and improvement group for the tools and methods for experience sharing, the methodological group for the working procedures
Las respuestas a la misma pregunta
Marcos ARRUDA, Ally, Brazil
| (en|majuscules)]|
Thierry PAQUOT, Allié. France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Sara riwka ERLICH, Allie. Brasil
| (en|majuscules)]|
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Rasmus TENBERGEN, Ally, Deutschland
| (en|majuscules)]|
Patrice LUSSON, Lyon
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Mohamed Ridha BOUGUERRA, Tunisie
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Thierry GAUDIN, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Siad REDOUANE, allié, Algérie
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Manolo Iglesias RIVERA, Aliado, España
| (es|majuscules)]|
Marie-Louise DUBOUIN, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Wiyowou TCHAKA, Allie. Togo
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Association Malienne pour le Développement, Mali
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Reinaldo FIGUEREDO, Allie. Switzerland
| (en|majuscules)]|
Abelardo VILDOSO, Allie. Peru
| (es|majuscules)]|
andré MOUTOU, Cameroun
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Thomas Percy LIMBOHO, Allié, Cameroun
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Mauriac TOSSAVI, Allie. Bénin
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Enrique SANCHEZ COSTA, España
| (es|majuscules)]|
Séverin ASSOUM, Togo
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Todas las respuestas a la misma pregunta