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respuesta de Arun RASTE, ally, India
, 6 de julio de 2005
| lea todas las respuestas de Arun RASTE
1. Institutalisation to certain extent is must.
2. I would like to see some support for actual action (based on the discussions all these years) on the ground - maybe a "pilot project" else the whole process would be meaningless.
3. I would like greater association with initiatives like Pekea which can bring in an interesting complimentarity with academicians. I also feel that too much importance to WSF would not serve purpose. The need is to broadbase the activity in which Alliance goes in.
Las respuestas a la misma pregunta
Anonyme 4
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Mauriac TOSSAVI, Allie. Bénin
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Pierre LOISEAU, Allié. France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Philippe MERLANT, Allie. France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Sara riwka ERLICH, Allie. Brasil
| (en|majuscules)]|
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Jacques IMBERECHTS, Allie. Belgique
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Lansana DABO, Ally, Brazil
| (en|majuscules)]|
Anonyme 26, SENEGAL
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Elisabeth PERONA, Alliée. France.
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Pierre HEBRARD, Allié,France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Muhammad KHAN, Allie. Pakistan
| (en|majuscules)]|
Léon DUJARDIN, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Pedro AVENDANO, Aliado. Canada
| (es|majuscules)]|
Abelardo VILDOSO, Allie. Peru
| (es|majuscules)]|
M. Dominique GYSS-MENDEZ, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Anonyme 13
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Delphine BILOWA BIDIKU, Côte d’Ivoire
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Marie-Josèphe ALBERT, France
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Hamzatou DIAGANA, Allié, Mauritanie
| (fr|majuscules)]|
Todas las respuestas a la misma pregunta