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... sobre el espíritu de la Carta
18 de agosto de 2005 | en |
But one should realise that the duality (contradiction) mentioned in the fph position is resolved by the charter by opting clearly for the open non institutional structure. This may allienate some current allies (?) or make that the Alliance could be considered as a talk show with no teeth to make the world united, plural and responsible. This in turn may have an impact on the visibility of the Alliance. This being accepted, I’m in favour of the direction taken.
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... sobre la Carta Constitutiva
18 de agosto de 2005 | en |
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... sobre los dispositivos de trabajo
18 de agosto de 2005 | en |
At that stage, these may not be precise enough to ensure frictionless work. For example the previous information principle: it may not be sufficient to post information on the web-site and allow for one month for dissent to be expressed. For this mechanism to work it will probably be necessary to introduce a procative system to warn allies that they have to react to a proposal.
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... sobre la agenda
18 de agosto de 2005 | en |
Unless I have missed some documents, the general calendar is fine, but is so general that it hardly merits the name of "calendar". Instead, as mentioned in the text, highlights workiing direction and a very broad timeframe (2010).
The development of biennial strategies is good
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... sobre sus intenciones de participación
18 de agosto de 2005 | en |
yes. As a new comer I will explore how I / we can do it
Interested in being part of: the followup and improvement group for the tools and methods for experience sharing, the users committee for the Alliance Web site, the methodological group for the working procedures, the discussion group on the common calendar, the facilitation committee for the 2006-2007 strategy
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... Otras respuestas
18 de agosto de 2005 | en |
in the question "Would you eventually be interested in being part of:", "eventually" is understood as a faux-ami from the French "éventuellement", meaning maybe and not as the English "eventually" (will surely happen).
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- Alianza para un mundo responsable, plural y solidario -
- Fundación Charles Léopold Mayer para el progreso del Hombre -