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The Asia-Pacific Assembly will focus on alternatives (within and outside the mainstream) that have to do with deepening democracy and participation, evolving strategies against ecological catastrophe and an appreciation of 'otherness'.

Real connectedness (unity) can only be based on a multilogue with diversity and complexity.
We realise that the old ideologies are insufficient to deal with the range and complexity of the problems humankind is today facing.
From the experience of the past few years the Asia-Pacific Alliance is moving to the conclusion that a crisis of vision is at the heart of our problems. We know what the main problems are and what the solutions should be, but we are still unable to do very much for lack of will. We can begin to bring about real change only if we integrate our political and social concerns into open-ended and non-sectarian notions of the sacred.
Only this can help us experience other intensities that are more fulfilling than the merely material ones our commodity-oriented cultures are able to provide. One cornerstone of our new vision is the realisation that we are the children of the Earth with sacred bonds with all life-forms, human and non-human.

For more information on the Asia-Pacific Assembly, on the activities of the Alliance in Asia or on the Fireflies Ashram, please visit the Alliance Asia-Pacific website
Or contact Siddharta :
Email : sidd@vsnl.com
Fax : +91 80 535 1086

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