Asian Youth Assembly is being organized in India
from 3 to 10 June 2001. Youth activists from the
following countries are participating in the Assembly:
China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South/North Korea,
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Maldives, India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
Burma, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
The Assembly is being organized in three steps and
in three places. The first step is the continental
Caravan that will starts from Nepal, Bangladesh
and Bhutan, travelling by road will reach Kanpur
(North of India) where a youth meeting is organized.
Next day the Caravan will proceed to New Delhi and
culminate into a public meeting where the Asian
Youth Assembly will be inaugurated . The same evening
the delegates will make a Caravan and proceed to
Raison, the Assembly venue, where it will discuss
for four days the issues most concerned to the Asian
youth The three steps of the Asian Youth Assembly
are as follows :

The Delhi Meeting :
On 5th June (Environment Day), the Asian
Youth Assembly will be formally inaugurated. On this day the
delegates from all the countries mentioned above will arrive
New Delhi. The Inauguration will provide an opportunity to
the participants to interact with a wide cross section of
eminent persons, academics, outstanding youth leaders, NGO
activists and the media. An interactive panel discussion would
be organised to facilitate discussion and exchange of views
on the Assembly themes.
For more information checkout the AYA
Website Or contact Sarfaraz Khan, AYA coordinator.
E-mail: sarfaraz@ndb.vsnl.net.in
The Continental Caravan
journeying together!!
To illustrate our commitment in youth crossing
boundaries and breaking down stereotypes, we are creating
a Continental Caravan, which will wind its way across borders
to the Assembly venue. The participants will reach the venue
in innovative ways, meeting up with different regional groups,
journeying together, exchanging ideas and creating partnerships
and solidarity.
The Kanpur Meeting :
The Asian Youth Assembly process starts
on 3rd of June when the Caravan of the participants from
Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India travelling by land across
the boarders will reach Kanpur (a city at the bank of Ganges
in the north of India). On 4th of June, a welcome meeting
is organized in Kanpur by 'Eco Friends' and 'Shramik Bharti'.
A symbolic Ganga Cleaning will be one of the activities
in Kanpur to mark the World Environment Day celebration,
which is on 5th June.
The Assembly in Raison:
The Asian Youth Assembly
will be held in Raison (Himachal Pradesh, India) from 6-10
June. After participating in the Kanpur and Delhi meeting,
the delegates will make a caravan and travel overnight (from
Delhi) by bus to reach the Assembly venue, where the vital
issues concerning the youth of this continent will be discussed.
There will be cultural performances during the evenings.
Based on the expertise and background of the participants,
a few training / skills sharing sessions will also be organized.