The topics proposed for discussion
were chosen as the major common European challenges. They are:
Following are abstracts of the topics,
which are otherwise presented in detail in the discussion papers.
I. Democratic Governance
The key question has to do with adapting
decision-making structures and mechanisms to the present and future
challenges that Europe is inevitably facing, which requires collectively
and democratically discussed solutions.
The crisis of representative democracy in the European
Union is due to two main factors:
- The inappropriateness of the present
democratic mechanisms: Although in the past decades there have been
drastic changes in every field, we have maintained the same democratic
structures and mechanisms. This has led us today into a situation
of generalised disenchantment regarding our political parties and
representatives. The ensuing lack of trust has brought on situations
in which political decision-making processes are totally obstructed
- A lack of democratic recognition
of Community institutions. The key European institutions, the Commission
and the Council, are clearly non-democratic, and the European Parliament
suffers not only from having very limited power, but even more so
from the lack of a democratic foundation from which it could draw
its legitimacy.
The renewal and adjustment of European
democracy necessarily requires the participation and a more direct
involvement of its citizens, which would bring about greater accountability,
hence greater trust with regard to indispensable decisions. What are
the necessary conditions to achieve this?
II. Work and Social Organisation
In the industrial societies, work
- or, to be more exact, its controlled form, employment - became progressively
and definitively after World War II, the single exclusive mechanism
for social organisation. It organises both lifestyles and time. Not
only does work make it possible to obtain the income needed for a
decent life, housing, food, etc., it also guarantees access to social
welfare (health, unemployment, and pension) and defines the social
status and identity of those who work.
It has become increasingly obvious
that the economic expansion necessary for providing employment to
every citizen - in traditional conditions - has reached its limits.
This is why it is indispensable to consider and discuss alternative,
or at least complementary mechanisms in order to reverse the growing
process of a two-tier society and the marginalization of increasingly
more social groups, as observed these past thirty years. Our political
representatives have so far bypassed this issue by clinging to economic
growth as the only solution to unemployment and the social problems
related to it.
III. Rural work and sustainability
Europe is made up of old nations
that were built on a rich rural history that is still very much alive.
It has also changed a lot and become one of the world's wealthiest
and most densely populated zones. Facing the limits of its natural
resources, it must now meet the challenges of sustainable development.
Urban and rural Europe can no longer avoid joining to consider the
future of its territory, the use of its countryside, their social,
environmental, and educational functions, and the links that need
to be developed between cities and the countryside.
The gap between the present agricultural and environmental policies
and the challenges raised by an urban Europe with increasingly ageing
and idle citizens is no longer tolerable. It has become urgent to
propose new European policies for the rural world, food, and agriculture.
IV. Migration and Multicultural
It has finally become clear that the European Union
can hardly remain an island of prosperity and peace in a world of
extreme poverty, hunger, disease, and war. This forces us to define
our responsibility and contribution to offset the extreme contrast
of wealth and poverty between the North and the South, and the East
and the West. And even though it is clear that emigration from the
poor countries to the rich countries cannot be the ultimate solution
to this situation, such migration exists and is bound to increase
in the future. This means that emigration is unavoidable, in addition
to being necessary because of the increasingly ageing population
of the industrialised countries.
Starting from this fact, the main
questions are: In what conditions will immigration and the social
integration of the new migrants continue to develop? In its illegal
forms, as presently, controlled by criminal organisations and in inhuman
conditions, or in a more organised, controlled, and human way? Furthermore:
What will be the bases for cohabitation between immigrant and native
populations: discrimination, condemnation, exploitation, and marginalization,
or peaceful and socially responsible integration to achieve a multicultural
society mutually enhanced by the cultural contributions of all groups?
What, in particular, will be the means to buffer the possible ensuing
religious and cultural clashes?
All four of these topics consider
Europe's position in the world: Can the European construction constitute
a reference in the construction of world governance? Can it contribute
to the making of globalisation with a human face?