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20th, 2001 |
Assembly of the Workgroup on Socio-Economy of Solidarity The meeting of the Workgroup on Socio-Economy of Solidarity was an opportunity for the 15 workshops of the Workgroup to confront their proposals and to identify cross-cutting themes. This meeting, extremely rich and fruitful, permitted to formulate some strategies and to discuss the work of the Workgroup in the medium-term. 1/ Introduction The Assembly 2001 of the Workgroup Socio-Economy of Solidarity (WSSE) took place from June 10 to 15 in Scotland in the Findhorn ecovillage. It gathered 58 participants representing the fifteen existing thematic workshops of the Workgroup: work and activity, business and solidarity, production and technologies, ethical consumption, tax system and social welfare, social money, sustainable finance, debt, finances in solidarity, international trade, fair trade, sustainable development, economic policies, women and economy, economy of solidarity. Every workshop had previously held, in the working period of January to May 2001, an e-forum for discussion and a summary meeting. 2/ Work on proposals The Findhorn meeting used as a basis the 183 proposals formulated by the workshops. Work was first to identify all existing relations between the proposals of the different workshops. It permitted to highlight a number of major cross-cutting questions: definition of the vision of an economy of solidarity, necessity to work on indicators to measure solidarity in the economy, question of international institutions, integration of economic chain in solidarity (from production to marketing), importance of rebalancing the economy with regards to gender and values... Some groups were formed around these cross-cutting themes and others, and associating the relevant workshops. Some strategies were formulated to make the economy better integrate solidarity, and the role of the WSSE in the development and implementation of these strategies was also discussed. It is difficult to spread immediately all these results, as the wealth and variety of the reflection requires to take a long enough period to draw from the results, in order to shape it in documents that may be largely diffused and to plan the activities of the PSES and its workshops for 2002 and after. Work on the inter-relations will also make it possible to establish a cartography of the themes of the Workgroup and of their connections between them and with the other workshops and colleges of the alliance. 3/ Documents elaborated You can find all preparatory documents and the past discussions of the 15 workshops by selecting the theme you are looking for on the homepage of the WSSE : http://www.socioeco.org The draft summary documents of each workshop, compiling the 183 proposals, prepared for the Findhorn meeting can be downloaded from http://www.socioeco.org/findhorn/index_fr.html or by selecting "Assembly 2001" on the homepage of the WSSE. The proposals booklets of the workshops of the WSSE are currently reworked in order to integrate all the debates stemming from the various e-forums and meetings. They will be shared to be checked by the participants in September, and will also be put on-line on the Website in their successive stages of elaboration, until that of their final publication. 4/ An inspiring meeting The meeting was also the opportunity for the participants to discover an ecovillage somewhat at the vanguard in the construction of a global village, integrated in its territory, respecting the environment while using at best its resources, respecting also the diversity of the cultures of its members, practicing an economy truly in solidarity, and managing itself in a manner respectful of individuals and their opinions. It was an emotional moment for most participants, at once happy and studious, and the conviction to have taken part in a milestone on the path for funding an economy in solidarity, as concept and dynamic, and in the establishment of a vision and action coordinated to promote an economy in the service of humanity. > Web site of the Workgroup on Socio-Economy of Solidarity: http://www.socioeco.org |
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