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August 3rd, 2001
The discussion forum is at the heart of the animation of the State and development workshop that strives to reconsider in its integrality the place it of the state within development (at the local, international, social and economic levels, etc.). Facilitated by a small group of students in Grenoble (France), this very active forum, completed with investigations and outside reflections, will be the starting point of a proposals notebook.

Former editorials of Equipo

> Web page of the Development and State workshop

Presentation of the State and Development forum
by Djeneba Ouadeba, animator of the State and Development forum

Hello to all,

We are Delphine, Djeneba, Mélanie and Monzon, all students of the DESS Management and Dynamisation of Development at Grenoble. We facilitate the "State and Development" forum . This forum represents a part of our end-of-the-year practice. We are helped by M. Pierre Judet, Professor Emeritus
of the Pierre Mendes France university of Grenoble.

1 / themes of reflection

With the " State and Development " forum, we invite people to express themselves on the place of the state within development. We try to reflect together on the challenges to which States are confronted. These challenges are as much external (globalization, more and more immaterial economy, recurrent crises..) than internal (debt growth, corruption...). What should we do in front of this?
It seems necessary to reconsider the place of the state in front of development, and this, in the totality of its role. We thus consider, that the development cannot be a simple economic growth, but that it also includes some qualitative aspects, that it leads to the individual development and collective well-being.

We defined beforehand different themes of discussion:

Theme 1: How to create a partnership State - Enterprises?

Theme 2: The state facing the international community

Theme 3: State and local dynamics

Theme 4: The state, dynamic actor of modernization,

Theme 5: State and social development

2 / contributions of participants

It appears interesting to note on the one hand, that some interventions don't follow the order that we had established previously, and on the other that they tackle topics to which we had not thought. In fact, this
seems to reveal the real problems to which are confronted developing countries. Indeed, the majority of our participants come from developing countries, and more specifically from Africa. Thus, these
contributions give us a good picture of present dynamics in countries of the South, and of the real preoccupations of the people coming from these countries.
Some topics seem inescapable to the participants: the indispensable role of the state as a motor of development, the necessary cooperation between the state and companies, the collaboration between countries of the North and those of the South, the respect of right, justice and democracy... For example, the problem of the corruption gave place to the flaming " involvements ".

Participants made also appear new development paths as for example the role of the informal sector. We are happy because intervening parties take position, they are indeed never neutral. Their messages are engaged and engage them.

In order to be able to facilitate the forum, we made bibliographic researches on the role of the state in the different parts of the world. We can observe thus that the conception of the state changes according to
countries, continents and times.

3 / in months to come...

The different contributions to the forum will serve to nourish a notebook of proposals. This notebook will also be enriched by interviews led by organizers of the forum. Indeed, we are visiting different parts of the world, in order to collect the opinion of people on the theme of our forum. These journeys have several objectives: to nourish as we indicated him previously the notebook of propositions, to make our proposals the most applicable possible, to permit to have a finer vision of problems in developing countries, to permit the writing of experience files, to collect the opinion of people that cannot have access to internet.
Besides, At the end of these journeys, we will be in measure to propose participants for the World Assembly.

Proceedings of the forum will be concluded end of August. We will pull some of the concrete propositions that will be debated at the time of the World Assembly in December 2001.

You can visualize our forum at

If people wish to subscribe, you can make it by contacting Monzon Traoré to

We thank you for having read us, and maybe see you later

the facilitation team of the State and Development

> Web page of the Development and State workshop

© 2001 Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire. Tous droits réservés.