SESP II. On Changes in the
Financial System
SESP 08. Create openness in national financial
systems and abolish tax havens. Private institutions must adhere
to an international charter that defines the responsibilities of
international loan organisations. (08.08.)
SESP 09. Responsible financial decisions in the
service of the common good. No regulation can be efficient if it
is not accompanied by awareness by the actors involved of the fact
that their responsibilities go beyond legal factors and encompass
taking account of the other. Seeking the common good demands opening
out to the Other, to he that has no voice in the affair. Better
consideration of the other in normal financial decisions would be
a major step towards acting for the common good. It should be done
without harming financial activity itself, since it is an essential
activity of the economy. Three areas in which explicit consideration
of the Other appear most urgent are those of loans, investment and
inter-mediation. (29.06.)
SESP 10. Deeply study the uses of social money,
so as to understand its evolving logic, its constraints and possibilities
to make headway with the construction of an economy in solidarity
that benefits from these advantages, without succumbing to the temptation
of premature centralization. (06.02.)
SESP 11. Promote the Finance of Solidarity between
all agents. Organise the promotion of the Finance of Solidarity
by publications, participation in international conferences and
seminars. Organise lobbies. Attempt to influence not only the decision-makers,
but also other professionals, to create alliances for a quality
finance system. (28.08.)
SESP III. On the Political
Project of the Economy of Solidarity
SESP 12. Develop political actions to support the
development of social economic relations. Decisions capable of changing
economic relations largely depend on the existence of a political
project, thus it is vital to encourage the active participation
of women in political procedures. (02.15).
SESP 13. A solid base for political sustainability
requires a re-definition of the role of municipalities; in effect
it is in the local domain that community life is most directly expressed.
To do this, it is necessary to promote participation at neighbourhood
level for all issues linked to the improvement of the family, social
and institutional quality of life, and also to favour the setting
up of participatory budgeting. (08.13.)
SESP 14. To build the Economy of Solidarity is
to build a political and educational project. Although it is all
one process, it is not spontaneous. There is an urgent need for
a political project, particularly because the ES involves few economic
relations. The focal point here is Solidarity: it is around Solidarity
that we build a broad political project for a new national and global
society. The ES does not develop automatically and mechanically.
To become an agent for social change, one has to be a political
and educational force. Solidarity is only actively created as part
of a process that is also of an educational nature. (19.06.)
