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Platform for a Responsible and United WorldIf our societies maintain their present ways of life and forms of development much longer, humankind is bound for self-destruction. We reject this prospect. To prevent it, we shall have to make a radical change in our thinking patterns as well as in our life styles. Our individual actions and determination will be of no avail, however, unless they converge with those of millions and billions of others. Such convergence requires us to agree on the essentials: the diagnosis, the values and principles to act upon, the priorities, and the strat-egy. We, the undersigned, call this the Platform for a Responsible and United World. This Platform is to be the foundation on which we shall build the future together. Our world is both one and infinitely diverse. Our strategy for survival and self-fulfillment will have to respect both the oneness, in which we are joined together, and the diversity, which is our wealth. Both of these courses are expressed in the Platform. While the priorities vary from country to country and from continent to continent, these variations do not rule out an agreement on the essential.
Elements of Diagnosis