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and the Proposal booklets
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FSM Themes

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From January 31 to February 5, 2002, the second edition of the World Social Forum will be held in Porto Alegre in Brazil. Social movements and organizations from all over the world will father there to share their experiences and elaborate alternatives to the present globalization. It is obvious that this initiative converges with the dynamics of the Alliance : the Forum will therefore be an invaluable opportunity to circulate the Proposal Papers and to put them to debate with other networks active in the same fields.
Consequently, we are presenting the Proposal Papers according to the major themes defined for the World Social Forum. Many of the Papers cover topics that will be discussed during the conferences, seminars, and workshops in Porto Alegre.
Other documents about de World Social Forum :

1. The production of wealth and social reproduction
2. Acces to wealth and sustainability
3. Civil society and public arena
4. Political power and ethics in the new society

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