
www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Thematic Groups > After Mumbai

After Mumbai

After Mumbai

A mother world is possible

The theme of the World Social Forum was ‘Another world is possible’. Someone muttered to me it should be ‘Another world is being created’. I reflected on the pre-eminence of women’s priorities presented there, and mused ‘A mother world is possible’.
The energy is right up and dynamic. There are a million marvellous bookstands with publications galore on Gandhi, Ecology, spirituality, science, technology. Workshop presentations and seminars give the opportunity for information, analysis and discussion. Protest, in various forms, is a major mode - I have come to feel there are more constructive ways of bringing about change in the long term - more in the direction of affirming what is needed.


Betsan Martin
Coordinator of the Regional facilitation (...)
+ de 1 article(s)

After Mumbai

-The challenge of moving ahead towards a new phase
-The Top Ten Keywords of the WSF and the Main Keywords by Continents
-Mumbai 2004: Solidarity Economy Meets People’s Economy

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