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www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Thematic Groups > Biodiversity, GMOs, and Privatization of the Living World

Biodiversity, GMOs, and Privatization of the Living World

Biodiversity, GMOs, and Privatization of the Living World

Living Material Is Declared World Heritage


Nova, Centre per a la Innovació Social (NOVACIS)
Nova promotes social innovation with bottom-up
+ de 24 article(s)

Biodiversity, GMOs, and Privatization of the Living World

-Biodiversity and Global Governance
-GMOs: The Planet Taken Hostage
-Yaoundé Declaration; World Conference of Traditional Farmers; Camerun, May 6-11, 2002
-Documents on Food Security
-Proposal Paper: Rejecting the Privatization of Life and Proposing Alternatives
-Proposal Paper: Civil society and GMOs : What Strategies Should be Applied Internationally?
-Experience Reports

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