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Non-Arab participants will be invited too, so that the Arab World image can be reflected from other regions and points of view.
Participants will visit the local branch of the Cultural Council of South Lebanon as well as many villages and cites in the southern part of the country liberated last year after 22 years of Israeli occupation.

Under the auspices of the Cultural Council of South Lebanon, a regional meeting will be held in Dar al Inaya (South Lebanon) from 21st to 24th June, to associate the Arab World with the four continental assemblies.
Some thirty researchers, political activists, journalists and representatives of social movements from Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq and Egypt will present an overview of the political, economical, social and cultural situation of the region.
The discussions will focus basically on how activists and intellectuals can support the Palestinian Intifada, the people of Iraq facing the embargo, and struggles of all people for freedom and progress.
Presentations will also cover issues of :

- the need for reforms and democratization within Arab societies;
- human rights abuses by Arab regimes;
- the role of "civil society" in promoting development and citizenship values;
- the role of Culture within processes of resistance, liberation and democratic construction (culture against domination, role of intellectuals);
- political and economical impacts of globalization on the region.

Finally, a solemn declaration for the Arab World will be read on the last day of the meeting in a symbolic location: Khyam (South Lebanon), a place that during Israeli occupation was used as a jail for members of the Lebanese resistance and political prisoners.

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