Thematic Groups
Traversées: Crossing Paths for a New World
Traversées: Crossing Paths for a New WorldOne Last Word, for Now ...What will our next stops be? Where will the road take us now? Hard to say, but we more or less know in which direction. After having experienced all this diversity, these realities, and these citizen resistances, here we are walking a tightrope pulled between responsibility and enchantment. On the responsibility side, we hope to contribute to join the efforts and paths broken by thousands of innovators in their practices and ways of thinking. As regards designing strategies for change, there is much difficult work to accomplish to move from a sum of initiatives to systemic transformations for each of the challenges of the Agenda for the Twenty-first Century. On the enchantment side, we can only continue to experience time, the world, others, and ourselves with the same wonder and disinterestedness as those the journey has taught us. So do we have any other choice, really, than to set ourselves in motion and continue to wander?? Somewhere on the planet, November 9, 2008
From Dreams to Reality, or How a Project Adapts to Life As It Plays out Traversées Paint Brushes: Portraits of a Journey On the Road to a Citizens Assembly A Sustainable World and Environmental Education with CTERA Fifteen Years of Continuous In-depth Work by the Union School Marina Vilte |