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Elisabeth Bourguinat

Web Site: Association Mains Libres

Doctor of Letters and freelance editor, in particular for the think tank Ecole de Paris du Management. Otherwise militant. She is secretary since 1999 of Accomplir, a very active association of inhabitants of Les Halles neighbourhood (Paris 1st district). Its goal is to develop conviviality and to empower the citizenship. She also founded in 2006, together with some homeless, the association Mains libres (Free Hands). This association brings a project of left luggage for homeless in this same district of Les Halles. She has published with Michel Hervé and Alain D’Iribarne "De la pyramide aux réseaux: récits d’une experience de démocratie participative" (From the pyramid to the networks: narrations of a participatory democracy) (Autrement, 2007).


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