www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Thematic Groups > Sustainable Soils Management

Sustainable Soils Management


Role of the market in the success and failures of the sustainable management of natural resources: soil, water, biodiversity
Workshop E; 16th WCSS (World Congress of Soil Sciences Montpellier, France) 20-26 August 1998 The world is faced today with increasingly intense antagonisms. On the one hand, there is a will to submit all things, even pollution, to market regulation, and on the other there is rising awareness of the need to preserve the essential assets of humanity: air, water, soil, living species, and the major balances necessary to life. The general public is increasingly informed on waste, the degradation of natural resources, and environmental issues. In developed countries, due to public (...)

puce Drought and Water Management in Morocco - Mehdi LAHLOU -
puce Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Managing the Market in Brittany (France) - André Pochon -
puce What Will Be the Water Crises of the Twenty-first Century? - Taoufik ZERIBI -
puce Role of the Market and of Policies in the Management of Forest Resources in Indonesia - Patrice LEVANG - - Geneviève MICHON - - Hubert DE FORESTA -
puce Improving Land use through Agriculture - Rudi Dudal -
puce View all (6 Response(s))

:: Articles ::

Soils in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in the New Independent States, in the Countries of Central Asia, and in Mongolia. Present Situation and Perspectives :: January 2009 ::

International Conference at Tutzing :: September 2001 ::

Third Klingenthal Symposium: Soil, Cultures, Religions :: September 1998 ::

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