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Number 2 December 1998

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 · Views from China on the Platform
 · On history and traditions...
 · Different priorities, shared responsibility...
 · Nurturing Human Spirit
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The Alliance as the Soil where the Seed of the Human Spirit is Nurtured
Songs of Freedom and Struggle

Forming alliances has been a very rich tradition in the history of the Philippines. These have, however, been alliances of the common masses to overcome periods of crisis in our country. One of the biggest alliances that were ever formed was that of the Indios (the natives) in 1896 to fight for freedom and sovereignty from Spanish colonialism. More recently, the overthrow of the Marcos regime in 1986 was a result of a broad alliance of the Filipino people coming together from different sectors and cultures to express their unhappiness and anger against the unpopular government.

These Alliances throughout our history have been very enriching in so far as we have been able to collect the dreams of all, especially of those who do not have voices. It was a process where we were able to weave together the dreams, diverse issues, views and actions in order to synchronise our efforts and energies towards a common goal.

This has, however, not been a smooth process. It has undergone a number of rigorous tests, upheavals and periods of crisis. It has now become very necessary that we also go through a period of purification, to re-examine our motivation and views since many have fallen out, many are looking for direction, and many have lost that fire and the spirit. It appears that the well, which was once the source of our inspiration, has dried up. How to rekindle that fire and how to keep the fire burning inside the hearts of the poor and oppressed masses is, for us Filipinos, a big challenge.

To discuss this challenge and to find ways and means of overcoming it was the underlying theme of the Tagaytay Workshop of the Asia-Pacific Alliance for a Responsible and United World held from 28th to 31st of October and was titled "Interwovenness and Sustainable Societies". The entire process led towards a realization and discovery of the power of the human spirit which must become the primary guiding force for this new alliance. This would help to overcome the present crisis that the world is facing today.

For the Filipinos the Alliance is seen as one that believes in the interconnectedness of all life. And as a result of this interconnectedness, the world is going through three major crises. The crisis between nations (north and south), the crisis between people and the crisis between man and nature. At the bottom of this is the crisis of the human spirit.

The crisis that we face is no doubt leading towards destruction, but inevitably the old will die. From death new life will spring. This is the law of nature. The Alliance for a Responsible and United World has challenged us to sow new seeds – the seed of the human spirit. This is the heart of the revolution. The human spirit is that capacity in each one of us to dream, to search for a meaning in life and to offer ourselves to a cause greater than our own. The human spirit is present in all people, in all cultures, in all religions. For me, therefore, the Alliance provides the soil where the seeds of the human spirit will grow. This is the seed of new life, as a new community and a renewed society.

Bembet Madrid (Philippines)

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Ibong Malaya artworkSongs of Freedom and Struggle from Philippine Prisons*
Return to Top | The Alliance as the Soil where the Seed of the Human Spirit is Nurtured

Onward We Go

Onward we go with our lively pace
So that we shall be there on time
On that road that lies ahead
With brave heart and noble mind.
Let’s link our arms as we sing our songs
For that day when we’ll all be free
Raise our lively voices
While our hearts are aflame with glee.

How sweet it is, how gladdening,
Oh so joyful to save from sorrow our land and people.
The only thing our hearts desire is to see
That they prosper and become free...

Although the clouds fill the sky
And dim the horizon
The sun will shine and overcome
And breaking through this world
Shall cast its light and nothing shall
Match this wondrous sight!!

It will shine through and cast its light
And none shall match this wondrous sight
And none shall match this wondrous sight!

Hope for the Future

In our life there are sombre evenings
But also bright mornings.
Even in the gloom of night
The sky is filled with starlight
Though we are prisoners today
Hopes leaven our life for tomorrow
Will yet come when joy will be rife!
And in the new morning shall shine
A golden radiance, the sun that serves
As our beacon light shall pour forth
Its brilliance so long as our hearts
Still throb with freedom and with faith
A hundred prison camps
Cannot our spirits break!

* Extracted from ‘Ibong Malaya’, Backdoor Records, People’s Music Library, released under the auspices of Solidaridad Foundation (June 1981)

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