I resent you for destroying the livelihood of my ancestors,
For throwing thousands of "tough people"
Thousands of brave seaman
On the sandy shores
For wiping out floats of coastal fishery
Through irresponsible decisions
Against people drawn to freedom.
I resent you for transforming the oceans
Into gigantic pipelines that are unreliable and destructive
I resent you for atomising the atoll of the Pacific
In the name of a politico-financial ideology,
For turning the Aral Sea into a desert,
For burying in the depths of the oceans
The shaft of the Apocalypse.
Yes, I resent you for breaking my daily routine,
My life, my job, my very being,
And above all for shattering my children’s dreams of adventure,
For changing our clamorous and joyous ports
Into dull and forsaken villages.
And I hate myself for letting this damn thing happen
Without raising a finger. Bloody Hell!
Tomorrow will change!
That’s a seaman’s promise!