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Number 6 August 2000

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drawing of boat and crew under sailCaravan, like the Alliance, and like life itself, is a journey through space and through time.

Our most recent journey took us to what was once known as the "new world". We started out in New York City, the lighthouse of the 20th century, then continued on to visit the Mohawk nation of the green hills of New York State, and from there went to Quebec, the surprising (and pleasant) Francophone haven of this vast continent. Three places, three cultures, three ways of being, of living and of thinking!

This issue of Caravan follows the steps of the journey we took. In it, you will find lively impressions, ripe analyses and information on the things that left their mark on us during this voyage. This edition also touches on a particularly delicate issue: that of global governance. We wondered if we should approach this topic, knowing how popular a theme it is these days, and knowing that it is therefore permeated by dominant ways of thinking. Indeed, the initiatives and contributions on this sensitive issue come primarily from the North, the engine of the ravaging process of globalisation that is currently exposing the planet to so many dangers. However, we finally did decide to venture into this field, with hopes of sparking a helpful reaction from the South.

Five hundred years after the discovery of the "new world", does the South wish to let the North re-structure the world for the next millennium?

Philippe Guirlet

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