sur l’idée de l’Allianceréponse de Guy VANDEBROUCK, Non allie. Switzerland , 12 octobre 2005 | lire toutes les réponses de Guy VANDEBROUCK |
Definitely yes, but keeping in mind every body is more and more busy and overloaded with information, therefore the first issue, the first barreer to overcome is to create attraction and interest for individuals to "clean their agenda" to find time to commit. Effectiveness is a key mord, as answering questions as "what will be different if I join ?". All the answers are implicit in the documents, but not explicit, and the Alliance proposal is in a sort of competition with other alternatives. Its effectiveness is also a need and the communication could be moving towards this direction. As a small illustration, the questionnaire is good since it is very open and provides lot of space for comments if somebody has time. But you could also in addition have a part with closed questions to assess some pratical issues. On the content and on the effectiveness to communicate it. Would have three advantages : give to the person filling it that if he has not too much time its feed back will anyway partly be clear and taken into account, be consistent with the overall image that the Alliance is practical and efficient and I should join, and give you material for quantified analysis.
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