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sur vos intentions de participation
réponse de Guy VANDEBROUCK, Non allie. Switzerland
, 12 octobre 2005
| lire toutes les réponses de Guy VANDEBROUCK
Yes as an individual.
I take the opportunity to add a comment in this direction : my perception is that progress comes from individuals that appreciate values, and then align their believes and commitments with their actions in their direct environment : family, work, social, artistic... Now, if in this direct environment, the individual is also a member or managing an ONG, great. In other worlds, I know an active militant in a trade union that beats his wife and it desesperates me. Why mentioning this ? Just because I think the Alliance should recruit and network individuals, not only organizations. If this is recognized as a good goal, then it has direct consequences on the marketing of the Alliance, and my previous comments are even stronger.
Interested in being part of : the facilitation committee for the 2006-2007 strategy
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