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Analytical Summaries

Lansana DABO

Ally, Brazil

ses reponses

... 如可能,你愿意参与
| 2005年7月6日 | en |

I and my organization are deadly ready to take part in the Alliance. I will totally involved in the Allince’s activities. As the main line of actions of my organization is about justice, wellfair; equality,...
Interested in being part of:
the editorial group for the Alliance Annals
the follow-up and improvement group for the tools and methods for experience sharing the users committee for the Alliance Web site the methodological group for the working procedures the group of garantors the discussion group on the common calendar the facilitation committee for the 2006-2007 strategy

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... 您是否认为您的组织或本人参与这一联盟是有可能的或有意义的?
| 2005年7月6日 | en |

I really find it very wised, useful, suitable, and even relevant for the unification of the world around good WILL for the Global Meeting of the ALLIES or exchanging important ideas and even giving our contributions.

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... 您认为本章程建议的精神和脉络是否适当?
| 2005年7月6日 | en |

I would like to know if the ALLIES will have the opportunities to organize conventional meetings and not only virtual ones. I suggest that the ALLIES should have more conventional meetings whereas two as mentioned in the papers I received.

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... 您对于以下各项存在哪些不同意见或不解之处
| 2005年7月6日 | en |

creating local community groups(groups of workshorp), Supplying local information, Meeting with volunteers of good will

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... 您是否同意以具名或匿名的方式将您的回答和评论公布于有关章程建议的集体论坛?
| 2005年7月6日 | en |

It should be more dynamic than it is mentioned in the papers. The ALLIES should have several kinds of workshops; seminars; researches, and so on.

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... 其他答复
| 2005年7月6日 | en |

As we are living in a globilised world, we have to gather strenght and people who have good will to unify our struggle so that the world can be a peaceful one. I am totally integrated in such a kind of initiative. I really would like to be among the editorial group.

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intro traductions

reponses autres
Jamy NOTERMANS, Allie. Belgique |fr|
Michel CLIVAZ, Suisse |fr|
Sylvain A. ADJA HOSSI, allié, Benin |fr|
Olive LUENA, Tanzania |en|
Fernanda VERSOLATO, Allie. Brasil |fr|
Pablo SANTAMARIA, Allié. France |fr|
Eugeni SANS FARRE, Aliado, España |es|
M. Dominique GYSS-MENDEZ, France |fr|
Xavier ALIX, France |fr|
Abelardo VILDOSO, Allie. Peru |es|
Anonyme 3 |fr|
Denis VALLANCE, France |fr|
Maria da gloria FIGUEREIDO SAUZA, Non allie. Brasil |fr|
Lynda AITSIDHOUM, Allie. Algerie |fr|
Pierre KARLI, Allié. France |fr|
Georges THILL, Allié. Belgique |fr|
Jose Maria AMAYA, El Salvador |es|
Marlène TUININGA, Alliée, France |fr|
Yolanda ZIAKA, Alliée, Grèce |fr|
Christelle MARTENS, Non allie. Belgique |fr|

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