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News -> Equipo -> Back issues -> 44

July 6th, 2001
Two weeks after the end of the continental meetings of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World that were held in Quito (Ecuador), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Peles (Rumania), Bangalore (India) and in South Lebanon, three points already have been emphasized concerning the followings of these meetings: assessment of the communication system, valorisation of the meetings' outputs, links with the December World Assembly..

Sommaire des archives Equipo

Assessment and follow-up of the continental meetings

Two weeks after the end of the continental meetings of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World that were held in Quito (Ecuador), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Peles (Rumania), Bangalore (India) and in South Lebanon, three points already have been emphasized concerning the followings of these meetings: assessment of the communication system, valorisation of the meetings' outputs, links with the December World Assembly.

1/ Communication between the meetings

The assessment of the communication system that has been implemented both with mailing lists and web publishing will take place during the (Northern hemisphere) summertime with the people in charge of the organisation and the communication of the meetings, with te messengers from other continents that were present in these meetings and with the coordination team that stayed in Paris and Barcelona. A questionnaire will also be sent to the allies through the language-based lists that had been created for the continental meetings (juin@, june@,

From the communication team's point of view, the system has been working rather well, and could be set as an example for other projects of simultaneous and interconnected regional meetings such as the regional forums that will take place before the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in 2002. But the accuracy and the true impact of such a flow of messages and images still has to be assessed.

2/ Valorization of meetings' results

The various preparatory documents, presentations and final declarations, as well as all the messages and images from the continental meetings may be put on a CD-Rom and distributed. A specific publication might as well be prepared, with a more accurate selection of documents.

3/ From the Continental Meetings to the World Assembly

Links between the June meetings and the December assembly will be of two kinds:

  • selection of new possible participants for Lille during the month of July, wether present at the continetal meetings or having participated in the preparatory processes.
  • transmission of the results & "breakthroughs" of the continental meetings in Lille. Some people may be especially chosen to represent the continental processes in Lille.

A letter will soon be sent on these last aspects.

> Web site of the Continental Meetings:

© 2001 Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire. Tous droits réservés.