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October 19th, 2001 
The Proposals Booklets for the Alliance's Assembly
by Olivier Petitjean

We entered in the last stage of the development of proposals booklets for the 21th century. About fifteen proposals booklets are finished entirely (see below), and others will follow mid-November, until reaching a total of about sixty proposals booklets for the World Assembly of the Alliance, in December.

October 5th, 2001 
Meeting on small-scale fishing and food sovereignty
by Juliette Decoster


An international meeting of fishers and organisations of fishers held in Havana August 31, 1 and 2 September 2001 on the theme “artisanal fishing and food sovereignty”, just before the world Forum on the food sovereignty. The declaration and agreements of this workshop are present here.

September 19th, 2001 
The Alliance after the attacks of September 11th
by Pierre Johnson, communication team of the Alliance

After the tragic bombings of September 11th in NewYork, the text of the Platform for a Responsible and Unied World, written in 1993 seems more present than ever. Yet these bombings shouldn't make us forget that our world is a world where injustice happens every day. These events are not the attack of a civilization against another one. Today, wether one wants it or not, the destinies of our societies are inextricably bound together. "Our world is both one and infinitely diverse".

September 7th, 2001
When Dialogues for the Progress of Humankind and the Alliance are linked…

by Vladimir Ugarte, coordinator of the DPH network for the exchange of experiences

The Alliance is a large articulation of human intentions aimed at working out proposals for giving answers to the problems of this new millennium - DPH is an international set of methods, instruments and mediators of exchange wishing to contribute by their know-how to strengthening democratic and citizenship processes. Concentration between the uniqueness of the DPH method and the Alliance diversity is presently considered as a sizeable stake which will make it possible for one to benefit from the advantages of another.

August 31st, 2001
The meeting of the Inter-religious College of the Alliance
by Henri Bauer

During the meeting of the Inter-religious College of the Alliance, more than 50 people met at the Oecumenical institute of Bossey, in the surroundings of Geneva, from August 20 to 25. They stressed a central issue : "The responsibilities of religious families towards Humanity". Two sentences came back often: "To be religious is to be inter-religious ". "To be religious it to be responsible ".

August 17th, 2001
Summary of the International Meeting on Education

by Miguel Duhalde

On June 12th and 13 2001, in the city of Buenos Aires, the first International Meeting "Education by a responsible, plural and united world." took place. The objective of this Meeting was to discuss the draft document of the Proposals Notebook "Education: an international perspective for the debate" that will be debated during the World Assembly of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World.

August 3rd, 2001
Presentation of the State and Development forum
by Djeneba Ouadeba, animator of the forum

The discussion forum is at the heart of the animation of the State and development workshop that strives to reconsider in its integrality the place it of the state within development (at the local, international, social and economic levels, etc.). Facilitated by a small group of students in Grenoble (France), this very active forum, completed with investigations and outside reflections, will be the starting point of a proposals notebook.

July 20th, 2001
Global Assembly of the Workgroup on Socio-Economy of Solidarity
by Philippe Amouroux


The meeting of the Workgroup on Socio-Economy of Solidarity was an opportunity for the 15 workshops of the Workgroup to confront their proposals and to identify cross-cutting themes. This meeting, extremely rich and fruitful, permitted to formulate some strategies and to discuss the work of the Workgroup in the medium-term.

July 6th, 2001
Assessment and follow-up of the continental meetings

Two weeks after the end of the continental meetings of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World that were held in Quito (Ecuador), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Peles (Rumania), Bangalore (India) and in South Lebanon, three points already have been emphasized concerning the followings of these meetings: assessment of the communication system, valorisation of the meetings' outputs, links with the December World Assembly.

29 juin 2001
No Alliance without artists!

by Michel Sauquet


"I am an insignificant part of the cosmos, but I am not just anybody, and I have a role to play on this planet". One cannot say it better than Makarand Paranjape, poet and academic from India on the responsibility of an artist in today's world. Often perceived as self-centred or feather-brained, artists in fact have a serious concern - much more than we think - for the public weal.

22 juin 2001
For a fair and sustainable Soils management in Africa
by Rabah Lahmar

During the African continental meeting in Tanzania, the issue of soils and lands is on the continent a major challenge, raising issues of governance, social justice, environment, sustainable development, etc.
A specific contribution from the Soils Campaign on this issue gives food for thought to the participants of the Dar es Salaam meeting. This is a fruitful example of cooperation between a thematic workshop and a geocultural dynamic of the Alliance.

© 2001 Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire. Tous droits réservés.