“What’s New?” on the Alliance Web site is for you to read, of course, but also for you to make. Our mission is to help you, through this section, to build your contacts and find potential partners, and to circulate news on your actions or your take on current globalization issues. Our contributors are our readers, whether they are registered as Allies or not. That means you.
All the articles published on the Web site are referred to in the Alliance newsletter, which is sent to nearly 4000 persons around the world.
There are several types of article you can send as contributions
1. “Allies Speaking” is more, but not exclusively, for Allies to let us know how their actions and thinking have developed over the years, with a special focus on the influence that the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World might have had on these developments.
2. Under the heading “Seeking Partners,” you are encouraged to present an intended or current action for which you would be interested in involving other participants from around the world.
3. The heading “A Take on…,” is an open forum for you to present your analysis on current events as addressed to players around the world.
4. "Somewhere on the Planet" gives an account of movements or events reflecting inspirational citizens’ dynamics.
5. The “Events” column on the front page is intended to announce upcoming events focused on helping humanity make the shift that will be needed for it to survive.
Please note: The Web site is not updated very often so in this column we only publish events that are programmed for quite a bit later. If you wish to announce an event due to take place in the near future, you may do so on the "alliance" list, to which you simply need to be subscribed.
Writing guidelines
You may send in an article in English, French, or Spanish. It will be translated by us into the other two languages.
“Events” are to be as short as possible: we will edit any contribution to the basic essentials. All other articles should be no longer than 500 words. You can add to it a document for further reading.
Please keep in mind that the Alliance is addressed to people the world over. This means that if you are mentioning country-specific developments, you need to contextualize them and underscore why you think they are important to the emergence of a global community.
If you are not a registered Ally, please send us just a few words on who you are. You can also register in the Alliance. This will open up the Alliance directory to you, where you can find contacts with like-minded players.
We strongly encourage you to send at least one illustration with your article.
Happy writing, and looking forward to your contribution!

Photo by halleliebe