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Topic: The Alliance story
¿Nos rendimos o avanzamos? - 16 September 2009 - by Marina Urquidi
Desde nuestro último boletín informativo en abril, hemos publicado varias contribuciones suyas muy interesantes, así que ante todo, ¡gracias! Vicent Boix, de España, nos ofrece una mirada detallada sobre cómo el agroquímico notorio Monsanto ha desarrollado un “business plan” que a de aumentar sus ganancias con tácticas que podría aplicar el cartel internacional del narcotráfico.
¿No a veces han sentido que aquellos más responsables por la terrible situación actual en que se encuentra la humanidad (...)
On abandonne ou on va de l’avant ? - 15 September 2009 - by Marina Urquidi
Depuis notre dernière lettre de liaison en avril, nous avons publié plusieurs de vos intéressantes contributions, alors avant tout, merci ! Vicent Boix, d’Espagne, nous propose de voir de près comment l’agrochimiste notoire, Monsanto, a formulé un business plan visant à augmenter ses bénéfices avec des tactiques dignes du cartel de la drogue.
Avez-vous parfois le sentiment que ceux qui sont les plus responsables d’avoir crée la situation ardue dans laquelle se trouve actuellement l’humanité semblent (...)
Do We Give up or Forge on? - 15 September 2009 - by Marina Urquidi
Since our last newsletter in April, we have published a number of your interesting contributions, so above all, thank you! Vicent Boix, from Spain, has offered us a close look at how the notorious agrochemicals manufacturer, Monsanto, has developed a business plan aimed at increasing its profits through tactics that could be easily applied by the international drug cartel.
Do you sometimes feel that those who are most responsible for humankind’s current predicament seem to be pretending to (...)
Capitalizing the Different Charters and the Intercultural Issue 1992-2002 - 10 September 2009 - by David Beytelmann
 Contribute to “What’s New?”! - 8 January 2009 - by Marina Urquidi
Our world is both unique and infinitely diverse. To build a future that respects the unity we share and the wealth of our diversity, we shall form citizens’ alliances!
“What’s New?” on the Alliance Web site is for you to read, of course, but also for you to make. Our mission is to help you, through this section, to build your contacts and find potential partners, and to circulate news on your actions or your take on current globalization issues. Our contributors are our readers, whether they (...)
 The Second China-Europa Forum Inspired from the Alliance Methodology - 12 November 2007 - by Pierre Calame
The second China-Europa Forum was held last October in 23 European cities of 7 different countries. Pierre Calame, General Manager of the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) tells us here how the forum started out from the major findings of the World Citizens Assembly of Lille: the need to build a global community and no longer rely on state-to-state relations. The entire conception of the forum was derived from Alliance learning: the idea of combining (...)
 Major Youth Festival in the Philippines to be Celebrated in May 2008 - 10 September 2007 - by Pinky CUPINO
How do young people become aware of their responsibilities to the planet and to humankind, in other words, to their own future? How do they exercise those responsibilities? The Philippine Facilitation Team of the Charter of Human Responsibilities has a few answers to these important questions, and is applying the means to materializing them. A report by Pinky Cupino.
Y Acts! Youth Festival 2008! was launched by the Philippine Facilitation Team of the Charter of Human Responsibilities last (...)
 Art Work on Environment and Responsibility Starts World Travels in Greece - 24 August 2007 - by Yolanda Ziaka
It is widely accepted that art speaks to the human soul directly, and the team of the Allied Workgroup for the Charter of Human Responsibilities has once again taken the art road to raising human awareness on its responsibility to the environment, with a traveling art show that will slowly, but surely, make its way around the world. A report from Yolanda Ziaka, from the Charter team.
Our team has organized a series of traveling exhibitions presenting the works of American, Brazilian, and (...)
 Infocom21 Launches Technical Platform for Citizen Alliances & Networks and Opens Web Site - 7 August 2007 - by Equipe Infocom21
In the spirit of the Constituent Charter of the Alliance, and in line with the decisions consigned in the Charter, a new project is now born, offering citizen networks the tools and methods that will help to change the Alliance into in an alliance of alliances …
When it launched the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World, the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind had, from the start, the intuition that building a global citizen community would require (...)
 Do You Want to Be a Part of Making Another World Possible? - 8 February 2007 - by Marti Olivella
A project aimed at the younger generations, to take one more step along the way toward the future that we wish for ...
For almost 30 years, part of the current team of Nova - Centro por la Innovación Social have been putting our chips on promoting socially innovating proposals, projects and models to facilitate the construction of alternatives to the current rules of the game for social, political and economic organization; rules of the game that are increasingly breaking down the world (...)
An Outline of Specifications for the Development of Working Procedures and a Calendar - 2 September 2006
The following is a draft of proposals to meet these challenges based on the results of the consultation on the project for a Constituent Charter organized between May and October 2005.
The 2nd Stage of the Alliance has just started - 2 September 2006
Following the message from Pierre Calame, general manager of the Charles
Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind, who informed you
of the decision of the Foundation Board regarding the termination of the
Foundation’s financial support to the Alliance, the Alliance
Communication Team, which was in charge of facilitating the consultation
on the project for a Constituent Charter, informs you of the following.
Constituent Charter of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World for its 2004 | 2010 Stage - 2 September 2006
The second stage of the Alliance implies that its nature, its objectives, and the common ethical principles referred to by the Allies be clarified.
Many Ideas ... Much Emotion in the First Debate on the Future of the Alliance - 17 August 2005 - by Marina Urquidi
From April to October 2005 and on an initiative of the FPH, which was both the initiator of the Alliance and its practically sole financial backer for ten years, Allies, their friends, and their partners were asked to look at the possibility of instituting a Charter for the Alliance. At the end of this consultation, the FPH judged, in light of the low participation in the consultation, that interest in the future of the Alliance was not high enough to warrant its continuing to back the (...)
 FPH Proposes Constituent Charter for the Alliance - 17 May 2005
The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) recently presented a proposal for a Constituent Charter for the Alliance. This proposal was sent with a questionnaire by regular and electronic mail to all Allies, friends, contacts and partners of the Alliance. The answers to the questionnaire are posted on a new Web site as they are received. Everyone can react to them. This completely public opinion-gathering process will be continued through the month of May and (...)
 Second International Meeting for Human Responsibilities - 23 February 2005 - by Carlos Rivera
The city-port of Valparaíso, declared World Heritage by UNESCO, and Santiago, the capital of Chile, located at the southern tip of America, were the setting in which the members of the Coordination Committee for the promotion of the Charter of Human Responsibilities held their work sessions. This was the second international meeting of the Committee, which had met for the first time in October 2003 on the island of Syros, Greece.
Representatives came from the five continents and the purpose (...)
 Discussion in Porto Alegre on a New Structure for the Alliance - 22 February 2005 - by Germà Pelayo
On invitation by a few members of the Board of the Charles Léopold Meyer Foundation who attended the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre on January 26-31, 2005, a meeting for sharing impressions took place between them and the Allies who organized workshops in the Forum. The members of the FPH Board wished to know more about the different Allies’ initiatives, as well as about the vision that the Allies had of the future of the Alliance.
The Allies highlighted the importance of continuing the (...)
What’s New ? 2003, December - 2004, January - 15 January 2004
Dear Friends, In this issue, Edith Sizoo announces the institution in
Greece of an International Committee for the "Charter of
Human Responsibilities." Isis de Palma tells of her
experience with the drums cooperative "Ilu Bogbo Ayie" of
Brazil, which is part of the Drums for Peace initiative. You
can also read about the workshops that the Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy helped to organize at the European
Social Forum in Paris. There are also other topics and
proposals, such as the (...)
 A Call to Renew the Foundation of the Alliance - 19 December 2003
Whereas the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall foretold of a new organization of the world, founded on international multilateralism based on law and democracy, we have been plunged into a completely different scenario. That of the undivided rule of the American Empire over the rest of the world. Neoliberal globalization is spreading its tentacles out unceasingly, reaching every last corner of the planet and doing nothing but aggravating inequalities between the rich and (...)
 Charter of Human Responsibilities: Taking up the challenge! - 18 December 2003 - by Edith Sizoo
A long process of wide-ranging discussions within the Alliance focusing on the need for a Charter of Human Responsibilities, its contents, legitimacy, appeal, efficacy, and its ultimate place in both civil society and within international institutions, led to a draft text which was discussed by the World Assembly of Citizens in Lille, December 2001. A revised version was then submitted for further comment to those who had participated in the Assembly, and to the wider circle of Allies and (...)
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