The latest editorial published on this Web site made me want to tell you about our project, Empowerment & Migration, and invite you over for a visit, where you might contribute to its Web site.
With backing from the FPH, we offer migrants an opportunity to tell of their situation and their hopes for the future - so they can speak for themselves.
The migration issue has become a key subject today at every level of the geopolitical debate. So it is time for migrants to take the floor and make their own positions count when national policies dictate how, when, where and whether they will have the right to seek a better life for themselves and for their families. Such decisions will be made on the basis of statistics and the domestic political strategies - as if migrants were not worthy as human beings.
A place for expression and soon an international show
The Empowerment & Migration Web site is a place where migrants can express themselves and present their points of view. It is also a resource center for activists, researchers, organizations and decision makers: you will see that we are organizing a show on the theme ’Citoyenneté et Migrants’ / ’Citizenship and Migrants’ this coming fall. Migrants in Marseilles and Los Angeles will be pooling their thoughts on this theme.
Discussion is continuous on the Web site, because there is also a Migration Blog where you can publish your articles and comments, and a section called ‘My Story’ where you can tell of your experience as a migrant.
We should be very pleased to connect with other groups of migrants around the world - feel free, then, to contact us!
Best of luck and congratulations for your involvement in of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World!