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www.alliance21.org > Proposal Papers > Workgroup on Governance and Citizenship

From the Conversion of the Arm Industries to the Search for Security

Published in November 2001

The repercussions of the geostrategic revolution brought about by the end of the Cold War are many, especially in the arms industry, as might be imagined. The fall of the Berlin Wall immediately caused a large number of people to think that converting the arms industry had become a real possibility.

Although no miracle has occurred over the last ten years, real openings can be observed in regard to conversion. In particular, modernisation within the industry has encouraged diversification, with the development of dual technologies capable of civil and military applications. Above all, attention should be drawn to the magnitude of this phenomenon of conversion that affects the entire economy and society, not merely a handful of companies. Indeed, conversion concerns governments as much as industry, civil societies and local communities. Therefore, a whole range of parameters have changed, as have mentalities. However, the holistic and interdependent nature of this phenomenon requires concerted action at different levels that to a great extent remain to be defined, thought out and organised.


Ecole de la Paix - 7 rue Très Cloîtres - F-38000 Grenoble - France

Coordinated by ...

- Richard Pétris

A formerly responsible at the French bank BNP that made the choice of dedicating himself to the education for peace in tie with the league of teaching.

Site - Ecole de la Paix



Cahier de propositions en français - 65.4 kb -

Topics Included

arms industry conversion . peace . security . world

Workgroup Papers

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Go ! From the Conversion of the Arm Industries to the Search for Security
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Go ! Principles of Governance for the Twenty-first Century
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Go ! Social Leaders in the Twenty-first Century: Challenges and Proposals
Go ! State and Development
Go ! The Military and Peace Building
Go ! The Territory, a Place of Relations: Toward a Community of Linkage and Sharing
Go ! The Troubled Waters of Traditional Fishing
Go ! Urban Violence

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