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Discussion in Porto Alegre on a New Structure for the Alliance

On invitation by a few members of the Board of the Charles Léopold Meyer Foundation who attended the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre on January 26-31, 2005, a meeting for sharing impressions took place between them and the Allies who organized workshops in the Forum. The members of the FPH Board wished to know more about the different Allies’ initiatives, as well as about the vision that the Allies had of the future of the Alliance.

The Allies highlighted the importance of continuing the Alliance adventure, and the need to begin reconsidering its structure. A key idea was put on the table: former ways of grouping initiatives, such as the socioprofessional networks, were moving toward “Citizens’ Alliances” (i.e. for the Charter of Human Responsibilities, the Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy or others, which are just starting up).

Among these alliances, the “Alliance for a Responsible, Plural, and United World,” or Alliance 21, would be a meeting point to create links among processes and to offer, in particular, methodological support to other alliances on the basis of its own experience. Alliance 21 should have representatives or delegates from these citizens’ alliances.

The members of the Foundation also attended many Alliance workshops during the Forum. This gave them a more complete picture of the enormous effort provided by the Allies and FPH partners for the Social Forum, in terms of its contribution in contents, methodology, and networking among actors.


Germà Pelayo
Independent Consultant and Researcher in (...)
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