Marina Urquidi
Born in 1949, Mexican and American, resident of Paris, France since 1969. Specialized in cross-cultural communication, as journalist, facilitator, and translator. With the Alliance, have developed methodology for international, cross-cultural e-debates (Internet-based debates). In this field I am both a facilitator and train others to do the same.
Has published on this Web site ...
¿Nos rendimos o avanzamos? - September 2009
On abandonne ou on va de l’avant ? - September 2009
Do We Give up or Forge on? - September 2009
Infocom21 Launches Technical Platform for Citizen Alliances & Networks and Opens Web Site - August 2009
Recuerdos: archivos de los primeros foros de la Alianza - August 2009
Foro de valoración transversal de las propuestas para un mundo responsable, plural y solidario (octubre 2002 - julio 2003) - August 2009
Primer debate público a distancia sobre el futuro de la Alianza (febrero 2002 - junio 2003) - August 2009
Foro Pax (diciembre 2001 - junio 2002) - August 2009
Premier débat public à distance sur l’avenir de l’Alliance (février 2002 - juin 2003) - August 2009
Forum Pax (décembre 2001 - juin 2002) - August 2009
First Public e-Debate on the Future of the Alliance (February 2002 - June 2003) - August 2009
Pax Forum (December 2001 - June 2002) - August 2009
Our Common Wealth - April 2009
Contribute to “What’s New?”! - January 2009
Poetry in Motion - November 2008
Forum for a new World Governance - May 2008
We’re Here for You - January 2008
A Growing World Community - November 2007
Networks in Motion - September 2007
Alive and Kicking! - August 2007
Global Citizens’ Report - September 2005
Many Ideas ... Much Emotion in the First Debate on the Future of the Alliance - August 2005
Recommended Selection of Early Alliance Forums - August 2005
First e-Forum on the Future of the Alliance (February 2002 - June 2003) - December 2004
Birth and Development of the Forum for Peace - June 2002
Useful Links on the Internet - June 2002
A Few Statistics - June 2002