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propositions > Work Documents > Alliance Proposals > Proposal Papers


Africa . agriculture . arms industry conversion . art . Asia . biodiversity . citizenship . civic education . codes of conduct . common good . conflicts . consumption . culture . ecology . economy . education . energy . ethics . international trade . rural economy . social change . social equilibrium . solidarity economy . trade . agricultural policy . Americas . civil society . companies . cross-cultural . cultural diversity . currency . debt . democracy . development . ecological balance . economic globalization . environment . environmental education . Europe . family farmers . fight against exclusion . finance . financial markets . fisheries . food safety . gender relations . globalization . GMO . governance . grassroots movement . health . identity . immigrants, refugees and exiles . industry . information . international agencies . international regulation . international relations . Internet . interreligious dialog . knowledge control . law . local democracy . local development . market regulation . media . military . natural resources . network . North-South relations . peace . politics . responsibility . rural world . science and technology control . security . social cohesion . social currency . social finance . social movement . social organizations . social . soils . solidarity . state . sustainable development . technology and viable development . tourism . trade unions . university . values and perceptions . viable city . violence . water . women . work . world regulation . world . young people

Topic: identity

Values, Culture, and Education VALUES, EDUCATION, CULTURE POLE

Go ! Art and Cultural Identity in Building a United World


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