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Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communication Technology

Workgroup data
puce Proposal Paper puce Documents
puce Experience Reports puce Participants and Interested Persons


puce Experience Reports of the New Information and Communication Technology Workshop - Olivier Petitjean -
puce Information society, knowledge society: benefiting from change - Valérie Peugeot -
puce WSIS 2002 Bamako Declaration
puce View all (3 Response(s))

Experience Reports

puce The effects of using computer-mediated communication in non-governmental organizations - Ricardo Gómez -
puce Computer-Mediated Communication in Latin American Non-Governmental Organizations - Ricardo Gómez -
puce The Internet : Free Access to Information ? - David Lush -
puce Virtual Communities made easier by technology - Ricardo Gómez -
puce Does the Internet promote Democracy? - Ricardo Gómez -
puce View all (5 Response(s))

:: Articles ::

Infocom21 Launches Technical Platform for Citizen Alliances & Networks and Opens Web Site
:: Marina Urquidi :: August 2009 ::


This Workgroup is active

Main Web Site

Infocom21 - Tools and Methods for Information and Communication

Other related Web sites

--- Comunica
3 Web sites: + details

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