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World Parliament

World Parliament

Workgroup data
puce A Few Proposals Produced By the Debate puce Documents
puce Forum (closed)

Forum: Proposal for a World Parliament for the Twenty-first Century (October 2002 - October 2003)
In our present times of globalization a whole set of problems involving the entire planet is being put on the table. We are facing these problems but have not yet been able to find common answers. Both the selfishness of some and the indifference of many allows, among other disasters, extreme poverty to coexist with opulence, wars to kill millions of persons, the environment to react in the form of unpredictable disasters, individualism to lead people to shirk their responsibilities and hypnotize them with false consumption paradises. Our planet is like a drifting ship without a helm. (...)

puce X. Second Stage (May - October 2003) and Follow-up to the Project - Germà Pelayo -
puce A Few Proposals Produced by the Debate
puce IX. Summary 6 - Arnaud Blin -
puce VIII. Summary 5 - Arnaud Blin -
puce VII. Summary 4 - Arnaud Blin -
puce View all (11 Response(s))

:: Articles ::

From ‘Westphalia’ To ‘Seattle’: Long-term Trends in Global Governance
:: Kimon Valaskakis :: February 2007 ::

Participants :: February 2006 ::

A World Parliament for Social Justice, Disarmament and Peace.
:: Arnaud Blin :: Rob Wheeler :: Germà Pelayo :: May 2002 ::

For a Parliament of the Peoples of the World
:: Gustavo Marin :: February 2002 ::

Experience Reports on Implementing Citizens Conferences
:: Olivier Petitjean :: July 1998 ::


This Workgroup is filed

Main Web Site

World Parliament

Proposal for a World Parliament for the Twenty-first Century

Other related Web sites

--- The World Parliament Experiment
1 Web sites: + details

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