www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Thematic Groups

Forests of the World

Forests of the World

Florestas do Mundo (Forest of the World) is a global network of collective dialogue, reflection, action and proposals for the building of a sustainable non-predatory forestry culture, through virtual interactive communication systems, meetings and events.

Workgroup data
puce Proposal Paper


This Workgroup is filed

Main Web Site

Crescente Fértil

Other related Web sites

--- Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)
--- The WWF’s global network gateway
--- Native Forest Network
--- WRM - World Rainforest Movement
--- Rainforest Action Network
--- Trees for Life
--- Ancient Forest International
--- Greenpeace International
--- Woods Hole Research Center
--- Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia Chilena
11 Web sites: + details

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