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Number 7 December 2000

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bulletVisit to Mallorca & Catalunya
 · "Tourists: you are the terrorists!"
 · "The fairest of the fair!"
 · Catalan cultural identity
 · Nova
 · Col·lectiu Ronda
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Visit to Mallorca & Catalunya
The Col·lectiu Ronda

The Col·lectiu Ronda started as an advocates' bureau specialized in labour laws at Barcelona in 1972 during Franco's dictatorship. It played an important role during the transition towards democracy in the mid seventies. Rooted in the Catalan reality, it dedicated itself to struggle in order to improve social and political conditions of work. It soon became a co-operative in 1980 and developed other fields of action such as co-operative system, associated work, joint co-operation and defending popular movements. It is independent of any political affiliation, unionism or economic group. The Col·lectiu runs 6 offices in the province of Barcelona and collaborates with 4 associate offices in three other provinces of Catalonia.

No to exploitation!

The Col·lectiu denounces economic, political and social exploitation generated by capitalism or any other form of domination. It pays special attention to poverty and social exclusion as well to countries that are economically weak. In this way, it attempts to have a global vision in order to look for alternatives that can lead to a society where exploitation of individuals, people, and the environment is lessened and later eliminated. On the other hand, the Col·lectiu experiments with forms of self-management at work, in a society that often encourages a more conventional model of enterprise where hierarchy is the key word.

Dignity, co-operation and respect for plurality

The Col·lectiu collaborates with different kinds of organizations, movements and individuals who want to change our society based on principles of dignity, co-operation and respect for plurality. It specially wants to break free from the concept of aid from the rich North in favour of the poor South and emphasizes that co-operation can procure mutual enrichment. Among other things, it has signed an agreement with the Centre of studies on work and the Office of Brazilian workers (Fortaleza, state of Cearà), paired up with a popular bureau of Masaya (Nicaragua) and participates with the Centre Autogestionari de Solidaritat amb l'Area Llatina.

The Col·lectiu publishes La Circular, a quarterly bulletin and organizes meetings at l'Aula Ronda, place of debate and reflection. It has a documentation service as well as a library.

Source: Col.lectiu Ronda and the journal Via Fora! N°52.

Contact: Col·lectiu Ronda
Ronda Sant Pere, 56, pral, 08010 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: + - Fax: +
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