



The Proposal


Your answers to the questionnaire


by author


by date


on the idea of the Alliance


on the spirit of the Charter


on the Constituent Charter


on the working procedures


on the calendar


on your possible participation


Other answers




Analytical Summaries

HOME PAGE > Your answers to the questionnaire > on the idea of the Alliance

on the idea of the Alliance





Other answers to the same question
Yvette BOUVET DUPANLOUP, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Zita NYIRENDA, Allie. Tanzania | (fr|majuscules)]|
Anonyme 28, Allie. Cote d’ivoire | (en|majuscules)]|
François MARCHAND, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Mauriac TOSSAVI, Allie. Bénin | (fr|majuscules)]|
Mohamed Ridha BOUGUERRA, Tunisie | (fr|majuscules)]|
Henri ROUILLE D’ORFEUIL, allié, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Lucette DANIELOU CECCALDI, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Conrad SYIEM, Allie. India | (en|majuscules)]|
Jose CASTRO LEON, España | (es|majuscules)]|
Anonyme 12 | (fr|majuscules)]|
Marie-Josèphe ALBERT, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Maurice PAGAT, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Behrouz SAFDARI, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Vicken CHETERIAN, Switzerland | (en|majuscules)]|
Association Malienne pour le Développement, Mali | (fr|majuscules)]|
Maria BONNEFOUS-BOUCHER, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Tom borsen HANSEN, Non allie. Denmark | (fr|majuscules)]|
Ruth MOYA, Non allie. Ecuador | (en|majuscules)]|
Svitlana PYSARENKO, Allie. Ukraine | (en|majuscules)]|

All the answers to the same question


- Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World -
- Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind -