The Asian Continental Assembly in June 2001 will be articulated
through two major initiatives, both occuring in India,
but with a continental dimension and participation :
Asian Youth Assembly
June 3-10, 2001 - India
"Youth crossing Boundaries"
Asia-Pacific Assembly
June 19-23, 2001 - India

From June 3 to 10, the Asia Youth Assembly
will gather youth activists from more than 20 countries
and will be organized through a Continental Caravan and
two major meetings, one in Kanpur, the other in Dehli.

Asian Youth
Assembly web site
From June 19 to 23, the Asia-Pacific Assembly
will focus on alternatives (within and outside the mainstream)
that have to do with deepening democracy and participation,
evolving strategies against ecological catastrophe and an
appreciation of 'otherness'.
Asia-Pacific web site
On June 21st, hundreds of groups throughout
the world will go out in streets and places and make the
"Drums for Peace" resound. This drumming will
be one of the symbolic links between the Dar es Salaam meeting
and the other continental meetings of the Alliance to be
held in Quito (Ecuador), Peles (Rumania), Bangalore (India)
and Beirut (Lebanon).
On June 24th, the Drums for Peace will ring once again in
Dar es Salaam, celebrating African peace and solidarity.