II. Constructing World Governance
03. Move towards a new system of procedures and
institutions for world government. (08.01.)
04. World governance requires common foundations:
a) common objectives: sustainable development, reduction of inequalities,
b) a common ethical basis: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and the Charter of Human Responsibilities.
These are the foundations on which it is possible to define the
areas of ac-tion by the international community, since the hierarchy
of norms and stan-dards apply to every area (trade, the environment,
health, security, etc.), and to the great world causes in which
both states and multilateral institu-tions must co-operate. (04.06.)
III. Promoting Globally Sustainable
05. A global regulation of Principles of protection
for the eco-system, hu-manity, the moderation of consumption, precaution,
protection of diversity, citizenship, minimising pollution emissions,
co-operation, “polluter-payer”, not only at the microeconomic
level but also at the level of States and conti-nental organisations,
making sure that this principle is not denatured as a benefit from
a licence to pollute. The image of “global citizenship”
can help to contribute to correcting the imbalance between capital
and labour at the global level; that which must anchor populations
to their region of origin must not be the legal impossibility to
emigrate, but the completely sustain-able development of their place
of origin. (08.04.)
06. Water is an indefeasible right for every human being.
Water is an asset common to man.
Water is also a social and economic asset.
Any governance of the water supply must contain a social section
as nobody should be deprived of water due to their inability to
pay for it. (15.01.)
07. Create openness in national financial systems
and abolish tax havens. Private institutions must adhere to an international
charter that defines the responsibilities of international loan
organisations. (08.08.)
08. Actions must be defined to oppose the monopolistic
offensive, supported by the major nations through patents, which
at the same time appropriate popular knowledge in function of economic
interests and attempt to impose their rights to patent knowledge
and goods which constitute the social heri-tage. (08.09.)
09. Establish a tax on international financial
transactions in order to stabilise monetary transactions, to contribute
to the financing of sustainable devel-opment and in order to eliminate
poverty. Create importation taxes targeted against social and ecological
dumping. (08.11.)
10. The actors of Fair Trade must start to take
into account a precise analy-sis of the effects of production modes
and international exchange on the en-vironment, when clarifying
their criteria.
This will allow them to be credible in the framework of the search
for sus-tainable development. They must participate along side environmentalist
or-ganisations in the efforts for the internalisation of environmental
and social costs and the setting up of a Multilateral Accord on
the Environment. (09.07.)