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Topic: Social Forums
 A Take on … Social Platform Asks That Migrants Have Human Rights Respected - 30 September 2010 - by Natasha Pitts
Plataforma Social Migratoria Hermes asks that migrants be guaranteed security, equal opportunities, participation, and well-being.
The 4th World Social Forum on Migration is approaching. The event, to be held from October 8 to 10 in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, motivated Plataforma Social Migratoria Hermes to publish its thinking and to place demands reflecting the need to treat the migrant population from Colombia and also from other countries as citizens with rights, no matter what (...)
 Somewhere on the Planet US Social Forum Held in Detroit - 30 September 2010 - by Yvon Poirier
This past June 2010, the US Social Forum brought 15,000 activists into the country’s automotive-industry capital, in crisis. Yvon Poirier reports that although interesting, proposals for alternative models was not the major concern for most participants.
Last June, about 15,000 activists gathered in Detroit for the second US Social Forum. This represented a 50% increase in participants compared with the first edition that was held in June 2007. The deepening economic crisis in the U.S. no (...)
 Live from the World Social Forum: A Colorful Carnival with Serious Business - 1 April 2009 - by John Samuel
We are happy to present here a first-hand report from the World Social Forum (WSF) 2009, by John Samuel, a longstanding friend of the Alliance and member of the WSF International Council, who offers a vivid account of many of the different aspects of this year’s WSF, and a touch of friendly, constructive critique.
Music was in the air. Drenched in a late-afternoon shower, more than 100,000 people with causes and convictions, from 120 countries, filled the streets with dance, drums, and (...)
 From the World Social Forum: Putting Finance in Its Place - 2 March 2009
For a new economic and social model
Let’s put finance in its place!
The financial crisis is a systemic crisis that emerges in the context of global crises (climate, food, energy, social…) and of a new balance of power. It results from 30 years of transfer of income from labor towards capital. This trend should be reversed. This crisis is the consequence of a capitalist system of production based on laissez-faire and fed by short term accumulation of profits by a minority, unequal (...)
 Climate Justice Now! From the World Social Forum 2009 - 9 February 2009
In the midst of the global financial crisis, the ninth World Social Forum (WSF) hosted, from January 27 to February 1 in the Brazilian Amazonian port city, Belém, 133,000 representatives of various organizations, social movements, left-wing parties, nongovernmental organizations, as well as other alterglobalists from 142 countries. Among them was President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil, ostensibly absent from the Global Economic Forum in Davos. Amazonia was chosen as the WSF venue (...)
A People, United, Will Never Be Defeated! - 28 June 2008 - by Gustavo Marin
Some thoughts on the new trans-border citizenship being generated by migrants.
The recent World Social Forum on Migrations was electrified by an unexpected event: for the first time, two major groups of migrants from Latin America and North Africa met and realized that they had the same goals. The Mediterranean and the Mexico-USA border both lie across the path of the great migratory flows of the twenty-first century. Spurred by many and varied difficult situations, people have (...)
 World Social Forum 2008: A Global Call for Action - 21 January 2008
It’s January! If you’re wondering whether the World Social Forum (WSF) is happening in 2008, and if so, where, then stop looking: the answer is here and now.
Since January 2001, the World Social Forum has been Brazilian (several times, in Porto Alegre), Indian (once, in Mumbai), polycentric (Caracas, Bamako, and Karachi) and has gathered hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world to expose and share alternative ways of thinking and acting.
This year, the WSF is the reflection (...)
 One of the WSF 2008 Actions: A Mega Play in São Paulo, Brazil - 20 January 2008 - by Isis de Palma
In São Paulo, Brazil, the fight for social transformation will take to the streets on the Global Day for Action, January 26, with a huge play staged in the city center.
On the menu: creativity and good mood spiced with dream and hope. Hundreds of cultural actors, militants of social and people’s movements will convert the center of São Paulo into a stage. Starting at noon, four "clans" will gather for a confrontation based on Shakespeare’s King Lear and staged by several well-known Brazilian (...)
 Asian Forum for Solidarity Economy to Be Held in October 2007 under the Sign of Compassion - 29 January 2007
One of the main keywords in solidarity economy is “differently”: producing and trading differently, but also financing differently . . . and measuring the economy differently. By its side, CSRSME Asia has placed another keyword, “compassion.” This year’s Asian Forum in Manila will be looking at how these translate into action.
Coalition of Socially Responsible Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Asia, or CSRSME Asia, is the self-explanatory name of an organization that began germinating in (...)
 WSF 2007 in Africa: The Last WSF or the First of a New Stage? - 15 April 2006 - by Gustavo Marin
The World Social Forum 2007 will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from January 20 to 25, 2007. (The Davos Forum will take place from January 24 to 28.) A Kenyan Organization Committee has been set up. It will be supported by an East African Committee. The Conference Center in Nairobi has already been reserved. The surrounding park and the nearby university are also available. All of the Forum venues will be located right in the center of Nairobi in territorial continuity.
The WSF 2007 in Nairobi (...)
 Proposal for Street Dialogues around the World, in Parallel to the WSF 2005 - 25 November 2004 - by Hamilton Faria,
Isis de Palma
Hello, friends of the Alliance,
We invite all Allies and friends who are not going to the WSF 2005 to also organize [“street conversations.” >http://allies.alliance21.org/fsm/article.php3?id_article=420] Great idea “The planned cross-Terrain ’ street conversation’ activity" has inspired those who are not going to Porto Alegre.
The idea is to plan street dialogues at the same time in several other places of the world, in connection with the Porto Alegre dialogues, through the Internet. It is (...)
Visit the Updated Web Site of the Allies at the WSF - 21 October 2004
Allies and their partners are preparing for next World Social Forum (in Porto Alegre, January 25 to 31, 2005). In order to share this preparation work, we all have at our disposal a Web site, "The Allies at the WSF," which has just been revamped and which you can visit from now on.
You will be able to visit it as preparations progress in the course of the next few months: before, during, as well as after the Forum, as it will be filling up continuously with several types of information: (...)
 Some Day, We Will Dismantle the Wall. Some Day, We Will Open the Big Avenues Again - 22 September 2004 - by Christophe Aguiton,
Etienne Galliand,
Francisco Whitaker,
Gustavo Marin,
Luis Lopezllera Méndez,
Michel Sauquet,
Susan George,
Véronique Rioufol
Some day, we will dismantle the wall. Some day, we will open the big avenues again. Speech by Gustavo Marin at the opening of the Moroccan Social Forum , which took place on July 27 to 29, 2004 in Rabat.
Some day, we will dismantle the wall. Some day, we will open the big avenues again.
At the Dawning of the Twenty-first Century, a New Event: the First World Social Forum in Porto Alegre The twenty-first century opened with a historic event. In January of its first year, the first World (...)
WSF 2005 Will Be an Alternative Global Village - 6 September 2004 - by Christophe Aguiton,
Etienne Galliand,
Francisco Whitaker,
Luis Lopezllera Méndez,
Michel Sauquet,
Nicolas Haeringer,
Susan George,
Véronique Rioufol
Dear friends,
Following the meeting of Quito, the Commissions on Content and Methodology of the International Committee of the World Social Forum met again in Sao Paolo on August 23 and 24, in presence of other members of the International Committee.
This meeting had several objectives: to define the format of the forum, using the results of the consultation, in which more than 1800 organizations took part; to think about the functioning of the articulation groups (agglutinating groups) (...)
Success of the WSF Consultation - 6 September 2004 - by Christophe Aguiton,
Etienne Galliand,
Francisco Whitaker,
Luis Lopezllera Méndez,
Michel Sauquet,
Nicolas Haeringer,
Susan George,
Véronique Rioufol
Dear all,
The consultancy process that the International Committee decided to launch as part of the 2005 World Social Forum preparations, due to end on 31 July, has met with an even bigger success than expected. Over 1,000 organisations have taken part in the process, a positive effect of the fact that we all consider the Forum as an open and participative process and not simply as an event. Faced with the evident interest in the consultancy process, it is vital that we respect the (...)
 Preparing the WSF 2005: A Powerful Experience! - 14 July 2004 - by Christophe Aguiton,
Etienne Galliand,
Francisco Whitaker,
Luis Lopezllera Méndez,
Marti Olivella,
Michel Sauquet,
Sandro Guiglia,
Susan George,
Véronique Rioufol
June 20, 2004
Another World Social Forum Is Also Possible After the World Social Forum of Mumbai (India), the International Council of the World Social Forum decided last April at its meeting in Perugia, Italy, to wager on a participatory process to determine the program for the World Social Forum to be held in Porto Alegre from January 26 to 31, 2005.
As members of the Alliance, we attended this very important meeting, which opened a new phase of the WSF, and with Manola Gardez, Nicolas (...)
 Another World Social Forum Is Possible - 20 June 2004 - by Gustavo Marin,
Pierre Calame
The next World Social Forum will be held in Porto Alegre from January 26 to 31, 2005. In five years, the WSF has imposed itself as a major event for all those who are attempting to build another world, as a place allowing the expression, in all its diversity, of those engaged in the alterglobalization battle. In doing so, the Social Forums have given rise to much new hope. They have so far, however, not been sufficiently able to take full advantage of their diversity as well as to (...)
 The World Social Forum Process after Mumbai - 17 June 2004 - by Pierre William Johnson
Since 2001, the World Social Forum offers a unique platform for the expression of groups and networks active in the fight against or in concrete alternatives to neoliberal globalization. The Forum has emerged as a new type of event, which respects diversity under certain principles including non-violence and the absence of political groups. Social forums, as opposed to official conferences, don’t aim to reach consensus on a general declaration, or on an action plan.
They are best (...)
 Moving toward the WSF 2005: Participate in Its Elaboration Now - 4 June 2004 - by WSF Secretariat
Dear Friends,
With this letter we start the mobilization for the Fifth World Social Forum (WSF), which will be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from January 26 to January 31, 2005. This letter has been sent, in different languages, to thousands of organizations that have participated in previous editions of the WSF (in Porto Alegre from 2001 to 2003 and in Mumbai in 2004) and in the Thematic and Regional Social Forums. Besides that, it can be duplicated and sent through electronic mailing (...)
Mumbai 2004: Solidarity Economy Meets People’s Economy - 28 April 2004 - by Françoise Wautiez,
Philippe Amouroux
The Workgroup on a Solidarity Socio-Economy (WSSE) at the Fourth WSF, Mumbai, January 16 to 21, 2004
After the European Social Forum, we barely had a month left – December, with its illuminated streets, its end-of-year balances, all the presents to buy and all the friends and relatives to whom, at least according to tradition, we should dedicate a little more time, time that just seemed to be slipping by so quickly – to finish preparing the Economy of Solidarity events for the fourth World (...)
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