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Topic: Analyses
 Allies Speaking From the Alliance to “oeconomia” - 28 December 2009 - by Pierre Calame
The work of the Alliance, the findings of the World Citizens Assembly, and the Agenda for the Twenty-first Century that came out of it are my main sources of inspiration. The Agenda for the Twenty-first Century staked out three imperatives: to make the Charter of Human Responsibilities the third pillar of the international community; to start, from the local to the global, a revolution of governance to make the management of our societies respond to the needs of the twenty-first century; to (...)
 Point de vue sur… The Story of « Cap and Trade » (L’histoire du marché des permis d’émission de CO2) - 1 December 2009
Avec Copenhague qui arrive, Annie Leonard (The Story of Stuff) vient de produire ce nouveau film « pour débutants » sur le projet de limiter et de commercialiser les permis d’émission de CO2. Une analyse de 10 minutes, utile et intéressante, sur ce qui est sur la table des négociations afin de nous distraire des vrais problèmes qu’affronte aujourd’hui la planète.
Ce film n’existe pour le moment qu’en anglais. The Story of Stuff, un film de 20 minutes qui explique le système de production des « choses » (...)
 A Take on … Monsanto Commits to Increasing Profits - 10 June 2009 - by Vicent Boix
In the current global crisis, also suffering, of course, are those producing one of the elements that are essential—along with breathable air and drinkable water—to the survival of humankind: food. Vicent Boix offers us an analysis of one of the ways in which food production, and producers, are being increasingly asphyxiated, a way explicitly planned by the agrochemicals manufacturer Monsanto.
When the global economic crisis broke out in 2008, agriculture had already been suffering (...)
 The Second China-Europa Forum Inspired from the Alliance Methodology - 12 November 2007 - by Pierre Calame
The second China-Europa Forum was held last October in 23 European cities of 7 different countries. Pierre Calame, General Manager of the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) tells us here how the forum started out from the major findings of the World Citizens Assembly of Lille: the need to build a global community and no longer rely on state-to-state relations. The entire conception of the forum was derived from Alliance learning: the idea of combining (...)
 A New Data Base for Global Citizenship - 5 June 2007
In order to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, new forms of citizen participation are developing. What is at stake is also the ability to consider the complexity of global problems using innovative approaches and methods of exchange, enhancement, analysis and popularization of information in order to reinforce citizen initiatives that contribute to building global democracy. In today’s world of Internet communication, the challenge of democracy is less that of gaining access to (...)
Migration, the Media, and Responsibility in Chile - 20 February 2007 - by Ricardo Jiménez
We have recently seen a television program on Chile’s national television channel, on the subject of immigration. In substance, it suggested that failing the approval of an “Immigration Law,” immigrants could bring about a explosion of social protest similar to those played out in France and other European countries these past few years. The traumatic images of the violence of those events and of others of the Chilean past were mixed with short interjections by authorities and people (...)
 The Economy for the Third Millennium Will Be Spiritual or There Will Be No Economy! - 24 May 2006 - by Philippe Amouroux
Here is the last text written by Philippe Amouroux before he left this world. I believe that it represents his eco-spiritual testament. I am proud and happy to share it with you. Marcos Arruda.
In the face of an economic globalization that is leading us straight into the jaws of disaster, the moment has come to ask ourselves what it is that the economy represents from the spiritual point of view. In examining this question we will discover that new forms of economy are emerging, forms that (...)
 To Whom Does the City Belong? On the Right to the City - 29 June 2005 - by Fany Gashugi,
Michel Ansay,
Sarah Deutsch
"To whom does the city belong? Whose is the city?" wondered the Heinrich Böll Foundation in a long memorandum preliminary to the Johannesburg Summit in 2002. "The city, for whom and by whom?" wondered the UNESCO along similar lines in preparation for Habitat II in 1996.
We would like to start from there, from "the right to the city". What is it about, in the North and in the South? This will be the basic question in this paper, which will move between the cities of the North and the cities (...)
 Eco Friends’s Battle of the Ganga - 22 November 2004 - by Agnès Saule,
Laure de Rotalier
Despite the very high level of pollution of the river Ganga, it continues to attract polluting industries.
An astonishing paradox, that of the relationship of Hindus with their holy rivers. No matter how venerated, they are also godforsakenly polluted! The Ganga is no exception to the rule. Although flowing in the cradle region of the Hindu religion, so many myths of which it has inspired, its pollution there is as dramatic, or even more dramatic than elsewhere. “People come from all of (...)
Background and preparation - 17 April 2002 - by Gustavo Marin,
Karine Goasmat,
Robert David
This journey, which took place from April 10 to 14, 2002, was prepared from one day to the next. It was the response to a call launched by the Brazilian Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum (WSF) to join a Brazilian delegation of parliamentarians and members of Brazilian organizations active in the WSF, which was getting ready to go to Palestine. The call was sent to approximately one hundred members of the WSF International Council on April 4. The next day, two member (...)