March 2005. Here is an account of the last meeting that took place on March 3 in New York between a delegation of civil-society groups, and representatives of the U.N. Secretariat.
You may also consult the document that the FPH and the Alliance presented in this meeting, containing the main points of the discussion on reforming the U.N. and redefining global governance.
This information is relevant to the recent publication by the United Nations of the report In Larger Freedom, which is the starting point for the debate on the reform of this institution and is to lead to the approval of recommendations at the world summit planned for September 14-16, previously to the General Assembly of the 60th anniversary of the United Nations.
The points presented by the United Nations (enlargement of the of Security Council and other specific institutional reforms, reinforcement of the peace missions, several coordinating efforts on the development and environment agendas) reveal the attitude, on the defensive, of a body too dependent on the power struggles among the governments of the States that support it and which is not accomplishing its supposed mission, i.e., to be up to the challenges that the human community is facing in the twenty-first century.
Facing the challenges of globalization, understood as the acceleration of the interdependence among the various sectoral and geographical actors present in human societies, what is necessary is to lay the foundations of global governance on ethical bases, relying on the rights, responsibilities, and respective abilities of every actor (from individuals to states and regional groups) to do away with extreme poverty, to establish a peace founded on justice, to make society prevail over the market, and to redefine the public and the private spheres, among other priorities.